The recent fervor over Hobby Lobby reminded me of this. One time I was checking out at Hobby Lobby and the cashier commented on how much easier it would be if they had bar code scanners. I asked why they didn't have them and she said that Hobby Lobby's owners believe that bar codes are the mark of the Beast and refuse to allow the...
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So there's a lot of talk about gun owners starting militias to fight against the alleged evil government that they've decided is going to take away their guns. I can honestly say that I hope this happens and they assemble together to prepare for the ultimate showdown with the oppressive forces of the government. I hope that they all get together and huddle around campfires...
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I'm thinking setting up a hot cocoa stand at the militia assembly might be a good investment of my time.
Good idea. It might do well to call it "Freedom Cocoa" or "Give me Marshmallows or Give me Death!".
Reasons your gun arguments are bullshit:
Stupid Argument 1: "Law abiding citizens need guns to keep the bad guys away."
Why it's fucking stupid: Everyone is a law abiding citizen until the moment that they're not. There is no secret band of evil doers waiting in the dark for all you "good guys" to give up your guns so that they can flood into town...
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that's one of the best responses i've seen so far about all of this!!
Thanks. I'm not necessarily anti-gun, but I am against dumb arguments. Well-thought-out arguments lead to better decisions. Unfortunately those rarely fit on bumper stickers, so people don't read them.
There are a lot of reasons to hate the Christmas holiday season; deafening marketing, screeching consumers, obnoxious amounts of money that youre expected to spend, and lets not forget the pressure to find the inevitable perfect gift for the man/woman who has everything. While I do believe that all of this is bullshit, there is one reasonably new reason to hate the Christmas holidays more...
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I can understand the point that you are making, but xianity is not Disney World. Christians are persecuting others, because of their religious beliefs. Access to contraception, abortion, stem cell research, same-sex marriage, just to name a few. Christianity also embraces a dangerous and disturbing anti-intellectualism.
As do all religions when science threatens their beliefs. I'm not talking about Christianity, though. I'm talking about Christmas.
Christianity is not dangerous. People are dangerous. People who are willing to kill or enforce their beliefs on others are going to do it regardless of what, if any, religion they espouse. It depends on the majority of people standing against that and seeing the dangers that those people pose and take measures to ensure that they are not capable of carrying out these things.
I've been trying to come up with a good way to start this, but it hasn't arrived yet. So I'm just going to go with it.
Many of my friends are atheists. I am not. I have no problems with anyone's beliefs or lack thereof, but what does rankle me is the constant bantering about "If God were real why would he let bad things...
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So we just watched the new remake of Red Dawn. First, let me say that this was, without a doubt, the most terrifying movie I have ever seen. Though it is laughably awful in concept, writing, acting, special effects, and casting, it does contain something that's far more telling about the world we live in today than any movie in recent memory.
The movie was...
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So here's what nobody wants to talk about when it comes to the immigration issue. You see, a lot of the people who are so strongly opposed to opening our borders up and reforming the immigration process are the very people who are making a killing off of the cheap labor that they're providing. It's in the best interest of the people who are making...
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Sorry, there is mandatory sledgehammer test....I don't make the rules, I just enforce them wink
Dear, you are talking to the master of the sledgehammer. Not only can I throw a hammer like nobody short of a Norse thunder god, but I can ricochet a straight hit from one off my manly pecs wink How are you with a bow-staff? Because that's a pre-req for me. Gotta have bow-staff fighting skills. And look good in leather.
So, it's Tuesday morning and damn near every Red state wants to secede from the Union. Wow. As if we didn't have enough ammunition for the Obama-Lincoln comparison, this is just fuel to the fire. Not only is this election already being painted as the "fall of the white man" by the pundits, but now we're actually having elected representatives attempting to break apart the...
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I'm currently deployed to Afghanistan, and as much as I love my job and enjoy the day-to-day aspects of life over here, I can't help but miss a few things. You see, we Americans place such little value on the importance of physical interaction, yet it is such an integral part of human life. I'm not just talking about sex, but simply hugs, shoulder rubs,...
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I completely agree, most people lose it for lack of social interactions. And the fear of being alone during a breakup, no interactions mean no support ect ect.
People good.
Well thank you. E-hugs are the next best thing smile