I've been struggling with doctors and hospitals ever since my boyfriend complained of headaches 2 months ago and eventually was hospitalized with a subdural hemotoma.

Being unemployed, I've had to come up with creative ways to pay my rent. Among the most steady is a feature on a spycam site. By and large it's okay, all I have to do is run my cam and...
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Well, thank you, friends! You just never know when you may be called, ;-)
This is my S.O.'s account. I just realized you had a journal on here. I've taken your picture before, remember? (Just think chinatown)

In response to what you're saying, well... you have to remember what profession you are in. Unfortunately, you're in one that... well... demands that you be sexy/alluring at all times. Otherwise, it'll be tough for you to make money.

It's too bad there's no union for cam grrrrls, as it seems to be an occupation a lot of the people I know take up.

I do hope your boyfriend gets better - hospital bills can be a bitch.

I finished reading The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold yesterday. What a gorgeous book! I highly recommend it to everyone. It's the second thoughtful and beautifully-written novel on death I've read this year, the other being Hotel World by Ali Smith. Both books were heartbreaking, and really sensitively written. Bravo! Bravo!

In other worlds, Miss Jibba needs your help deciding what to wear. (guest book...
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You're welcome! Youre quite foxy and I adore women who know how to be sexy and enjoy themselves. Keep it up!

Also, unfortunately not... you cannot use HTML in the journal entries... previously this was allowed, but O removed it so that people could not do malicious things with it... it's a shame

If you even need an feedback re: web development, ask me. Ive run a design studio for years and have been doing this stuff for even longer.
Suggestions, critiques, etc. are always welcome and wanted!
Well, It's About Time!

Boston Metro, July 18, 2002: T police beat
Andew Station, 2:44 p.m
A woman reported being assaulted at Andrew Station. The victim said she as spat on by an unknown white male while on a bus. The victim stated the suspect was annoyed at the constant snapping of her bubble gum. When she wouldn't stop, the suspect spit on her. A...
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Yep, that's me, I'm the Miss Fuzzy Bunny. My boyfriend took the photo, his site is also linked from mine, like on photos/two.html The restraints are his, from Sexe Cite in Montreal where they were much cheaper than here in Boston. :-)
I like your style.... and it's projected in your smile. So who is miss fuzzybunny... Your alter ego?