Oatmeal, 2x RedBull, and vitamins for breakfast. Followed by 2 hours of perusing the site. Not a bad way to start the day.
Gym, tan, laundry. That was pretty much my day. Picked up Trueblood season 3 and Pulp Fiction, time to make some popcorn and veg out. Hopefully no rocket attacks interrupt my movie experience.
Another day of brutal heat in Afghanistan. Two things were learned today: 1) Haagen Daz Belgium Chocolate ice cream is pretty damn delicious, 2) the calorie count on it is ridiculous, only going to eat one serving next time around.

Off to the gym to work that ice cream off smile
I can't even imagine how hot it is there!
It is awesome. You will love it!
Hello, new here and very much looking forward to enjoying my time.
Hello everyone, I am very pleased to be here and look forward to enjoying my time.