Good n bad i suppose. Went to a few concerts. Got to see Leftover Crack, The Casualties, The business, Cobra Skulls, Asher, Anit Nowhere League, Flatfoot 56, Duanne Petters.......good music. Made me happy.

But my "city" sucks. I'd leave if I could but I love the shop I work at.

Always go home alone.

Not wanting a one nighter.

People here are lame.


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Ugh. Lemme tell you. I LOVE taking a chance on being with someone thats nothing like me. Yea. She damn near begged to be with me. Gave it a chance. Now everything is falling to hell. I'm better off single anyway I guess. Then I don't bother no one n they dont' bother me.

Don't want that. But I live in a town where I'm...
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Great Aiden tattoo! Impressive.
Thanks! It's a shame she's not on here anymore.
I hate being an insomniac. Only way I can usually get myself to sleep is to drink.

Life is a pain in the ass.

Dunno why i'm like this.

This has been going on for about a month now.

I'm not happy with this change.
i've been living like this for years... it fuck'n sux
Always a little something going on with me I suppose even if they are just little things. But those are what make everything work I suppose.

Got tired of my flat, cardboard thin keyboard that came with my outdated piece of junk computer so I bought one of those fancy, curvy, slick ones tonite. Doesn't make those loud, annoying TAPP TAP TAPPITY TAP TAP sounds...
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What a horrible random act? I am so sorry to hear that. I hope she recovers quickly physically and menatally!
Me too. I'm still in shock.