Okay people...
This has been way over due, but my puter died on me and am just now getting back in society. I have been so busy. Work is going well i may become a manager which would suck but the pay would rock sox.

I have recently started painting, texting into spray guns, spray paint and cant wait to start airbrushing, i seem to...
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Okay okay okay.....

So it's been a long time since i have written anything about my life. So i will have to start from the beginning. I...who have been in much need of a vacation am finally taking one. I am going to MEMPHIS for a week. I will be there in one week and am staying through St. Patricks Day. I cannot wait. I...
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So, it's been a while. Just to let you all know that everything is cool, my mom made it to Kuwait okay and she is doing fine. I just put pretty much all of my tax return into my car which it needed. I missed you all and hope all is well. will and more later.
So, I'm writing again. It has been forever since I've been able to put something down into words. My best friend has decided to start a net magazine and demanded that I get off my ass and write an article right away. And with out even think I had his 500 words in about ten minutes. It felt really good. Problem: He wants more. He...
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Writing is so therapeutic isn't it? I wish I had more time to do it. What did you write about?
Heart-felt thanks for your sweet comment on my and Visara's set Reading You

We really really appreciate it and we love youuu smile
kiss kiss kiss

Awww it's good to be close to your mom...
Okay, So I had a great weekend. blush
So I just got home from my night out with my besties...much needed

Went to two my favorite bars...I haven't been out in a while so I really need some liquid relaxation.

Then there was the necessary food and coffee after, which I loved cuz I really got to sit and catch up, it turns out that my one friend is starting an online magazine...
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I am so glad it is weekend! Like the shiny hats .. or what are they?

Thank you for your comment on my set Reading You
Well, thank you all for your comments on my video, you said it was cute which I'm still trying to believe. I'm just not a morning person...then again who is...But much love to all of you....i have a shit load of random pics. I just realized that I only have pics of my tats, so alot of you have no idea what i look like...so...
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what you're saying is so true about SG! kiss The last picture is how my hair looks in the morning! lol
Something New shocked


i did too! lol
hahahahaha thank you!
something new wink

<object width="330" height="281"><param name="movie" value="http://suicidegirls.com/video/load/5858/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://suicidegirls.com/video/load/5858/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="330" height="281"></embed></object>

1. Pick 10 of your favorite tv shows and/or movies. (No particular order)
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Bold when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. No googling wink

1. Whats down there, a fucking Rancor?

2. I love you guys, don't get me wrong....
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