How many blogs would a blogger blog, if a blogger could blog blogs? shocked
3 in the am, so bored

Fuck, fuck fuck. Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck. Mother fuck, mother fuck, noy snoy snoyge. One two, one-two-three-four, noy snoy snoyge. Smokin weed, smokin whiz, doin coke n drinkin beers. Drinkin beers, beers, beers, Rollin Phatties, smokin blunts, who smokes da blunts? We smoke da blunts. Rollin blunts n smokin em.....
12:28 am on Monday and I'm having my first ciggie in over a day, its good.eeek

today was pretty good, ordered the parts i need for my iphone costing less than $50
friday night, stuck at home.. thankfully i have a alcoholic beverage biggrin i need to replace my iphones camera and glass back, wont cost more than $40 on eBay surreal sure beats taking it back to the store. as the weekend is upon i am still wondering what to do. movie? Big Bang Theory marathon? go out on the town drinking? or all of the above? i...
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She's in a lesbian scene in a brothel.
It's a cliche but I'm so not a morning person. Washing machine isn't working, I want Coco Puffs but don't have any and it's cold, I'm not whining, I'm just summing up the pros and cons of today. Thank god Family Guy is on biggrin
i hate mornings. hate hate hate. NO COCO PUFFS?!?!?!? i'd just go back to bed.
oh i wish i could of, worst day ever for me
hey all, just found out Comic- Con is coming to Melbourne in june eeek with Patrick Stewart and Stan Lee *we're not worthy*, soooo damn excited for this, first Comic-Con ill be attending so i feel the need to bring some things in case i meet them.. i like comics and own a nice little collection but have nothing worth anything to get signed so i...
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haven't posted anything since March, my subscription ends next month, really need to try to use this site more than facebook for three reasons, 1. this site costs money to use
2. the people on here are alot cooler
3. i prefer the colour pink to blue
confused > frown
listening to smashing pumpkins, playing some space game on FB and putting up with my broken chair xD this is how my day comes to an end =D

did you see me do that? of corse you didnt, i have mad ninja skills shocked

well i think that is all for now this is and always will be my 2ndskull journal entry
im in a situation i dont like >.< i like a friend of mine and went and told her.. all she said is she didnt know how to reply... :S i really dont like this situationfrown