whats your instagram? looking to follow any and all SG's :)

naturesavor :)
welcome _annouk_

So for got how much fun you can have just spending a night out with no plans just seeing where the night takes you. Just add some good freind's and some alcohol and who knows whats in store. haha especially in san francisco. hope everyone else had a great weekend! oh yeah and loving the new iphone 5s filters always love me some black&white photos...
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so its been a few months since i thought my life ended

since i've felt like my heart just couldn't be mended

since my whole world seemed to come tumbling down

when I felt so lost that I thought I couldn't be found

time heals all wounds was what I kept being told

but after hearing it over and over it just got old

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so my first tattoo was something I always wanted it says "all alone just the beat inside my soul" lyrics from one of my favorite songs props to you if you know it :) recently went or going through i should say a rough divorce from someone who I thought would never hurt me and she destroyed me in the worst way she could have.
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Instagram @ flip85

Twitter @ getfitflip

kik - getfitflip

Snapchat - skeleton85


hello everyone, new to SG. I have always loved SG but just never actually signed up. well here I am :) didnt realize how much this site actually had! looking forward to connecting with some of my favorite SG's finding new ones to follow and just meet some all around amazing people. Im also newly single so maybe ill find someone who can be more...
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