I keep coming up with things to say today and then, POOF, they're gone before I can put them onto (digital) paper.

We'll stick with some random thoughts then.

The Soloist looks like it has the potential to be an amazing movie. I may actually cry.

I have both too many and not enough friends on Twitter.

One of my new goals in life...
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only rl friends? wtf is that noise? haha
since we're already friends, i can't really help ya in the friends department. but i'm always around and bored if you need someone to chat with. biggrin
who is timbaland?
Fuck PETA.

That should draw some interest.

Two thoughts from today:

1. Seriously, fuck PETA. They're just a business disguised as some righteous organization who manipulates people who actually give a shit about helping animals to do free promotion for them.

To everyone who actually gets out there and does their part to help animals, more power to you. To PETA, go fuck yourselves. The...
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thank you! PETA is the fucking devil
sweet. i love friends biggrin
Short and simple for now as I'm feeling in a light mood right now. This clip always makes me laugh.

Ok, I'm tired as hell and going to sleep. Still getting used to the new (to me) layout of the site but overall it looks pretty good. The front page is a bit cluttered but it's manageable.

Ok, I'm out, time for lots and lots of sleep!
Welcome to the Veggie group!
Well thank you smile
So I'm back. Hmm.

It's an interesting situation. I checked the site last night thinking "Hmm, I should resub to the site. Cool people, pretty girls, sick body art, what else could a person want?" I check my email today and BAM, someone renewed me.

Now I'm stuck with "who" and "why". I'm not complaining in the slightest. It's more like I need to find...
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I don't know who told girls that completely waxing off then drawing on your eyebrows looked good but if I ever meet them, remind me to slap the hell out of them, good heavens.
Ha, I completely agree. wink

Girls who line their lips with brown liner also need to be slapped.
Ew, yeah. puke

I've seen those two together before, wasn't sure if it was a woman or a man pretending to be one eeek
Well, about to go back to GA.
Turned in my 2weeks notice on Friday.
The trip back is going to suck more than the trip out, I'll be following a big slow F-250 the whole time.

Anyways, it should be nice once I get back home.
I'll have my contacts back at the radio station.
Get to get into the studio and get some recording/mixing...
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I just came to the realization the other day that I barely breathe when I sleep.
I've been told that it's best to sleep witht he room slightly cool but then I hate getting out of bed.
I think I've decided against ever dating again, the last one really fucked with my health.
Since the breakup I have developed several (possibly imagined) health issues...
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Ok, I'm about to get the hell out of Utah. Probably driving back to Atlanta solo so if anyone wants company for a minute let me know. I'm up for meeting anyone and everyone biggrin

If you're interested in company for lunch let me know!
Well shit.

Turns out that school is starting 4 days sooner than I had planned so I have to haul balls as fast as I can to make it there by January 3rd (I'm leaving on the 2nd).

Good times.
Well dammit.

I figured it was about time to fill this blank spot with something, even if it really was nothing all that interesting.

I\'m leaving Atlanta on January 2nd and heading to Utah for school. If ANYONE wants me to stop by and say hello along the way, let me know. I could use a few good places to stop and grab some food...
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Someone needs to update. You know I never would have expected to find you on here for some reason.
Eat, drink, and be merry before you get out here.
And good luck.