Yes my friends, I'm a bassist for 3 bands here and today too, this another band release a new EP with 3 songs

Que Fim Levou Valdir ? is a hardcore/grindcore band, our lyrics are in portuguese, mother tongue from Brazil, and the lyrics are very political, talking about a lot of problems we face here.

Our new ep is called "Dzespero" with 3 songs
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Hey friends and friends ! How are you all ? Hope doing good ! Today is a good and nice day, finally, after a few months waiting, the new video clip from one of my bands is on air !

In Furia Inc. I'm play bass 2 years and a half (the band aready have 12 years) and this is the first work with a
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Hey friends and friends ! How are you all ? Hope doing good.

Yesterday the amazing, gorgeous and dear friend @hilo release her new set !

And my friends, as always, all this pics are breathtaking, and I have sure you all won't regret to see and give your love for her set METAVERSE AND Y2K AESTHETICS

Pics by the great @ivanfilho

Don't waste more
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Thanks for the support!🙌
aw yes so beautiful

Hey you all, how you doing ?
Today I’m here to ask a favor if you could help me.

It’s simple, could you give a like on my comment and @ my name HERE ON THIS POST ? As a member since 2014, this gift from the site for me was be such amazing !
Thanks for your support and love ❤️


Hey you all friends and friends, how are you ? Hope doing good as always !

Each month, this amazing site here made some contests, and this month I'm here to indicate one for your vote.

The amazing, gorgeous, beautiful and talented @hilo made this sexy, hot and awesome video for the #augustvideocontest

Check HER VIDEO and give your love !

@missy @sean @penny


And few hours ago, the amazing and gorgeous @brubs release her new set !

The set IKIGAI is so beautiful my friends ! Don't waste time and go there and let a lot of love ok ? Set made by the talented @babu

@missy @sean @penny

Tysm for your support ♥️

Hey all, made a long time since I made a blogpost here....I just need to put my head and my thoughts on the right way, still learning how to do this, but, a little better.

But let's talk about good things right ?

The dearest @millatrixx release yesterday her debut set !

The set HEARTBREAKER you could see here, made by the amazing @adistoker

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Aaaaaaah Thank you!!! You're AWESOME ♥

Hey my friends, how are you all ? Hope doing good !

Yesterday was a good night, cause after more than two years and a half, one of my bands (that I play 7 years) return to stage.

All this time we know why, this shit virus. But in this time without shows, we made 3 new songs, they are in master and mix process
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Hello friends and friends ! How are you all ? Hope doing good !

Last week a new set from @angelus was release

And I THINK just this amazing pic here made you be curious to see all the set right ?

Don't worry the set BEHIND BROWN EYES is here for you leave your love and comment !

And as always, this amazing set
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i love this set!!

Hey friends and friends, I hope everyone doing good !

Today I release a new video on my Youtube Channel, and different as usual, bass cover, on this video I made a vlog about my comeback on the stages with one of my bands.

Everyone knows the fucking pandemic makes all shows stop, and this for a musician is a shit.

And Furia Inc. take...
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@gabbymoon ah brigadão minha querida =)