I haven't written in a couple of days but not much is going on. I am trying out for a band on wednesday but besides that not much going on. I hope i get in the band. I really want to start playing live but it is so hard to fine cool people to play with. Anyway wish me luck u guys. smile I gotta go...
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if you can sing, i know a band thats looking for a singer...out of the bronx no less.
what do you do/play?

good luck with this band tho
i actually have a funny story to tell. Out of the blue my bestfriend from HS called me and we where talking and catching up. I haven't talked to her in about 2 years and i asked her where she worked last i heard she worked in a deli. It turns out that now she sells dildo's in an adult store down in the village....
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HAHA thats great!!

next time im drinking vanilla flavored liquor, i'll holla atcha
I don't have anything to say except i have to quit drinking. I have no tolerance at all but yet i try. I was never a quiter. biggrin The most kick ass person i have ever met is going to let me tag along and meet the drummer for snot. Not only does she kick ass but she is incredibly good looking and she takes a...
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Ah trying to cash in on the birthday butt check. Try to put up a pic of your girlie so we can all see.

xoxo alexis
It is Lynn Strait's BD the 7th of this month. he would have been 30. I still can't believe he is gone. Snot was and still is 1 of my favorite bands. I thought they were going to be the next big thing. I don't listen to anything but snot on that day. On Brighter news my BD is coming up and i am looking...
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you know, on wed i was chilling with snot's drummer, Jamie Miller smile hes mah boy.
they were going to be the next big thing. they were fucking GREAT.

here are some early b.day kisses kisskiss
actually, if you want to come see theSTART with me and my friends in oct, i can introduce you to jamie.
i have an awesome bootleg. its amen, snot, and human waste project.
Man I feel sick. I drank way to much liquor last night. Me and some of my boys were down town at the raven. It is a cool bar. They play real kick ass music. Everything from the clash to the misfits. My friend puked all over his new AFI sneakers it was pretty funny. I am glad I didn't puke. usually if i see...
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mmmm the clash love
AFI sneakers?

thank you sweetness
Not much for me to say right now. Life has been pretty calm this last month. That can't last that long though. smile I am going to be in my mom's house on tuesday in the Poconos for the week. That is always fun. I am going to try and relax, work on some music, and maybe take a dip in the pool. So if i...
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