Why is it that hindsight is 20/20... why can't the present be 20/20... I know that im not perfect by any means and I know that I can be an asshole at times but I didn't realize how bad I truly was until I pretty much pushed the one that I care for the most away... I have tried to change some things before but...
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I just wish I could understand wtf is wrong with my brain so I could get it to just let me sleep.... stupid damn insomnia

did you sleep ?
Nope and this is going to be yet another night of no sleep...

Not sure if Im happy that summer is almost over because I wont have to deal With the "tourons" anymore.... or if im mad because my 24hr shifts will soon be like a minimal security prison sentence, (I can pretty much do whatever I wsnt but I cant go home)


Honestly sometimes I feel that all of the warning labels need to be removed off of everything and just let nature run its course... Darwin's theory at it finest


The joys of workin at a beach fire department... and the gold star of the day goes to the tourist who just asked me "What time do they let the dolphins out?"... me "Excuse me"?.... Tourist "you know, when do they let the dolphins out so we can see them?"... Me " Ma'am you do realize that dolphins are wild animals and they swim freely...
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And the runner up goes to the man who calls 911 then changes his mind when the ems crew gets there and then calls 911 again not 2 minutes after we pull back into the station

why did I agree to do a 36hr shift... 1.5 hours to go