OK, birthday is over, hangover is in full effect.

It's all good though. I didn't have any plans for today, so it's not like I can't just sit around in my apartment all day.

Thanks to all that wished me a happy birthday.
downtown bloomington is definitely a place that can make you wake up with a killer headache.

did you not go to the Vid?
thats okay smile

did you have a good day? x
So today I turn 24. I don't seem any older, but I guess legaly I am. I don't have big plans today. My friends and I are thinking about heading ou to Bloomington for diner and go to the bars. Until then I think I will relax and enjoy my Saturday off.
happy b-day smile
Well it's been a while since I've updated, but I've been busy.

I've been trying to take the next step in my life, and buy a house. I met with a banker that is going ot give me a lot of money at a good rate, so that's good. Now I just need to find a house that will make me happy. Fortunately, a lot...
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happy birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! biggrin
My parents are in town for the week end. This makes me happy since I haven't seen my family in a while. That and it gave me an excuse to clean up my apartment.

So last week, and this past week it's been in the 90's. Today it's finaly only in the 80's. The 10 degree difference feels nice, but it's still hot as fuck....
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So I went to the F1 race this past week end. I'm more dissapointed then ever. 6 cars raced. Incase you didn't hear, there was a big scuffle over the Michilen tires being used and that the 14 teams using them weren't safe. They asked the FIA (the governing board for F1) if they could change them, and they said not with out a penalty....
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It's so damn hot. I sit in my apartment naked and I still sweat like no other. How long do I have to keep taking cold showers. I guess I could just use the air conditioner, but that would cost a lot.

I bought a futon for my apartment. It's pretty sweet. Should be here by the end of the week, or maybe early next...
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Detroit was fun. I went and saw The Fucking Champs, and Zombie. If you ever have a chance to see either or both of these bands, I would recomend it.I also got full on drunk. Damn that was fun.

Work is chaotic. People yell at each other a lot.

Beer is good; it settles my nerves.
It's house shopping time. My probation period at work is just about up meaning I'll have this job locked in for the most part. I've realized that for now renting an apartment is OK, but paying $600+ a month on a 700 ft^2 apartment isn't exactly in the budget. It will be another 8 months or so until I can move out of here, plus...
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Scottsberg?! Heavens no! Well, I mean, it's okay, there isn't a bad crime rate, just a super high teen pregnancy rate. I acctually grew up about ten minutes south of there. Louisville will be about thirty minutes away, and Clarksville and New Albany about twenty, so your not to far out in the middle of no-where.
So I asked the ex for my ring back, and today I got it. I think it was suppose to be closour, but I'm still waiting for that.

Going ot Detroit this week end to see The Fucking Champs play at the Lager House. It's going ot be great.

Today while at work I was doing something at my computer when I looked over at...
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The only friend I have here is a total tool. Last night at the bar he made fun of me for talking to a girl I thought was attractive, but she wasn't one of the million supermodels he has plastered all over his walls at home, so she is ugly and I'm not suppose to talk to her. I then told him to fuck off...
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Life Aquatic is a great movie.
oh it's lovely. living with lesbians means lots and lots of good music laying around, and so much extra room in the shower for your belongings wink