Thursday... wow, what a fast week.

Dreamt I had a pair of scissors tattood on my left wrist. I am thinking of having it done. New ink, the idea has me excited... biggrin

I went on a date setup via an online service yesterday. When I got home I canceled my membership -> it was a learning experience but I think I've gotten all I want...
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my goodness! she's got a brain AND she's cute!
could it be?!
lol biggrin
I accidentally posted in the comment area... oops eeek

[Edited on Dec 05, 2003 10:55AM]
I just put up a profile pic... I need to get another camera. My last was stolen by some worthless prick. mad

(I am still bitter, they didn't even take the charger or spare batteries sitting right beside the camera - fucking loosers)

Anyway -> It's Tuesday night... I think I'll tackle CSS a bit and go to bed.
do you have any suggestions about what i should do about this guy? i'm generally pretty damn good about reading people, especially for my age, but i gotta admit, he stumps me.
and i would agree about guys generally sucking, but really, truth be told, it's the general population that sucks, not just guys. smile
that used to be my drug of choice too, but my body got used to it, and it stopped working so efficient (sp?)--ly. plus, my sleeplessness is more about me not wanting to go to sleep than physically can't. ---for the most part at least.
too many things to think about----------------so little time.....
You've got me beat. You're a Scorpio AND born in '69. Tough to beat that.
Ugh... cannot sleep (though my bed is cozy). I made the mistake of taking a nap at 8:00 and I woke at 2:00 AM. Now I'm fucked.

Still awake? smile

I pulled one of my "sleep AAAALLLLLLL day" days yesterday. I finally got out of bed after 5pm and I'm still awake right now at 8:30am. Bleh. I'm tired, but there are things to do before I go to work. surreal
hey, it's tonight and I am out (or heading back out that is).

I love Sea Monster on 45th...
Done! well with the first part... I have a new mattress. What a pain it is to move these things. I have the old one loaded onto my truck for disposal.

My old mattress was trashed.

Anyway, I am wanting to break-in the new one (that is sleep on it, take a nap).

Maybe go out tonight... surreal
Another day... feeling better though. Bourbon, good boubon is one of my favorite things.

Anyway, It's the weekend after Thanksgiving and I have big plans. Going to buy a new bed and it is going to be rad. Maybe go shopping for sheets too. smile

Yeah, I know, whatever whatever

It'll make me happy though.
Just clicked on your post in the Seattle thread and saw that you were born exactly one year after me! I'm from Seattle but live in Portland now. Late happy birthday!
Thanks man.
skull smile skull

I must say I like this site...

Too sick today to contribute much (cough, sniff)... I've never much cared for this holiday anyway.

Where is my Makers? c-ya