It's exciting when you look at an old story you wrote and realize how to make it better! Go me for being proactive! Ever wonder what life would be like without the stories we tell or our delicious little fictions? It is a scary concept because, to some extent, everyone takes on the role of storyteller at some point.
So, like, um, hi. But seriously folks, howdy. How's it going? Ugh, I hate introductions. Normally, I just skip this shit. Seriously. Did you hear about that guy? You know... no? Well, damn.
Haha I'm never good at intros either. I never know what to say in the "info" section of my instagram/facebook. 
I always thought intros were overrated anyway (and info sections).  It's the meat of a dialogue that gives us insight.  Haha, I just had to look back and see what my facebook info said.