I've gotten to write "hoi paloi", "false consciousness", and "Panopticon" in my final exams this week. Oh man that's teh awsum.


Almost done with finals. Just have to write this take-home crap and then doooooooone.

The cooking begins tomorrow. Oh yes. The cooking does begin tomorrow.

eh.. i no can message you.. lyou wanna chat?
smile smile smile Happy New Year smile smile smile
Okay, I'm slackin', I know.

My wireless connection is disconnected at home, and I hate dragging my computer across the room and sitting in the necessary uncomfortable position required to use the intarweb at home, so I don't even bother.

I turned in my first final of the week about two hours ago. I've got an exam in an hour, then one tomorrow, and then...
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1. yes we have, i came to your work once
2. we should do it again...SG dayton - cincy get together
3. im not very good, at least im honest
4. my mom is doing all the cooking, her food is the yummiest
5. i have no idea

I just sent you a friend request on myspace. smile
Good luck with your finals!!

1. Have we met in person? No
2. Wanna? Yes
3. Can you cook? not as well as I'd like, but I give it my best shot. I make a mean salad though, and I'm quite proud of my guacamole. smile
4. Planning on cooking for the holidays (if so what)? I have this vegan Wellington from Native Foods in California, that is fabulously delicious, it blows every fake turkey concoction I know right out of the water. So, I will be serving that, but making mashed potatoes and stuffing to go with it, and maybe this pear tart I found a recipe for, and maybe some cookies.
5. If a train leaves New Jersey traveling east at 90 miles an hour and another train leaves Cincinnati traveling south at 123 miles an hour, what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? An African or European swallow?
Two short assignments, two take-home exams, two in-class exams.

And then I'm done.

Oh, and a presentation today.

I'm stressed, but coming out of it.

My XMas decs are up. Is so purdy.

As soon as I finished, it started snowing. Heaven. We've got probably four inches right now. (That's eight and a half to you mens out there. haha.)

Break is approaching.

Last night,...
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my vibrators tend to stop vibrating quite easily. maybe i treat them badly? anyway, it has helped me keep my vibrator dependency to a minimum, which is probably good, since i know that no person will ever be able to vibrate like a motor can.
mmm bat cave, i <3 batman
It is fucking cold outside. Hot damn. And it's spitting tiny little mini-snowflakes. WEE!

Decorating the house for XMas. I've got a bug up my butt about it. I really need to be focusing on getting my papers done, but tiny lights and glass icicles and greenery and gold balls and pretty ribbons and cinnamon candles and cookies are much more on my mind.

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got a recipe for vegan holiday cookies?
thanks... it was just that easy
I'm so fucking exhausted.

I'm taking the night off from the club tonight because I'm presenting at a research symposium in the morning.

And I have about 12943876203847 things that have to get done by Wednesday.

I'm also taking Monday and Tuesday off from the video store.

Monday might also bring a visitor.

Oop, there's the pitter-patter again. hehe.

Oh, the cuteness.

I've been worried...
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1. What's the longest thing you've ever written?
The design documents for the audio on Company of Heroes were 60 pages but had a fair few pics and diagrams. Therefore it's more probable that my book (unfinished) which currently stands at about 4000 words is the winner.

2. What's the latest you've ever stayed up to study?
Don't remember. However the latest I've ever stayed up working is roughly 45 hrs. Yes, you read that right.

3. What's the hardest test you've ever taken?
Probably the calc test I tried to write 10 minutes after finding out my parents had gotten a divorce. The school counselor mixed up the time she was supposed to tell me.

4. Why did you put yourself through that?
At the time I thought I wanted to be an underwater robotics specialist.

5. Can pandas' bursting-with-fruit-flavorness be responsible for their extinction?
It depends on what colour your underwear is at the time.
damn...you beat me...I have 12943876203846 things to do.

A-pitter patter.

That's all you're getting on that front.

It's almost the end of the semester. Apps are almost finished. Papers almost done. Tests? Eh, who cares.

I'm presenting my thesis on Saturday if anyone wants to come hear me speak. 10am, room 223 St. Joe's hall.

I have such great professors. I've been really lucky to meet and work with some of the most...
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the next week does indeed promise to be interesting
would that be a pitter patter of the heart or are you expecting the pitter patter of little feet?

my brain wraps around vagueness.
Why does the library smell like cider vinegar???


I so don't want to be at school right now. Saturday night, I was sitting with a customer and my nose started running. It was horrible. I wanted to get up and go blow my nose, but what could I do? He was paying me (very well, mind you) just to sit and chat with him,...
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Yay for standing up against secular beliefs!!!
It's about time!

I never do anyone we meet the justice they deserve.
My words are inadequate.
Lemme try a few though.


Nah, it all seems trite.
So, in sum, allow me to say it was great to get a chance to hang with you and if you were not your usual lively self we didn't notice because we were zombified from all the numbing miles...
And I wish I had insisted on more photos and vid!
Dude, I realized the $4 tip you left was more than the home fries and coffee you had!!!!
I can't let this go.
I know I should.
But I like fussing over banalities.

1. Where do babies come from? Don't ask! I've seen it! You don't wanna know.

2. Where did AIDS come from? It's "the" AIDs. And it came from gay monkeys.

3. How does G-d feel about homosexuality? I am just as G-d made me, sir.

4. What are fossils? Dead things. Really old dead things.

5. Why am I such a jerk? I can now say with authority, having met you in the flesh, that you, sir, are no jerk.
A better question would be why am I such a jerk?

Now go tell Miss D you want her to visit you.
It don't do no good to say it on my page after she already commented.
Nike owns half of the world I hear ;-)

If I ever come to Ohio, I will totally be coming to see YOU. kiss kiss

Our school library smells like farts smile

PS I gotta stop deleting on my friends list when I am drunk-o, thanks for the re-friending.
Removed the references and appendix. Still forever long. My brain hurts. Send me love.


Playing the Man Among the Girls:
The performance of heterosexual masculinity in strip clubs

Sex work is common in almost all cultures, yet is an issue of moral, ethical, political, and/or personal debate everywhere. Recent legislation drafted in the state of Ohio attempts to further regulate patron-employee interactions within adult-oriented...
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Your new profile pic is awesome!!
i dont have time to read it right now, but can you email it to me at
Holy mother fuck shit fuck.

The momentous first draft is complete.

(Warning: this shit is 57 pages long, so don't click if you're faint of heart.)


Playing the Man Among the Girls:
The performance of heterosexual masculinity in strip clubs

Sex work is common in almost all cultures, yet is an issue of moral, ethical, political, and/or personal debate everywhere. Recent legislation drafted in...
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We have a winner for the longest blog post ever. Congrats on finishing your thesis- its a real accomplishment and you should be very proud. Well done. smile

Hope you had a nice holiday.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

New surroundings and a new paradigm.

Maybe not so shiny-fresh-shrink-wrapped as I'm supposed to want.

And definitely not where I'd have expected.

And the horizon is desert.

Glittering, writhing, seduction of what someone said was barren and inhospitable.

And others tried to irrigate.


Rain is in my blood.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
the game i play

is hide-and-seek.

half-truths, not...
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Yeah, only I hid my emotion...the poetry simply followed.
You are just having a nervous breakdown wink

My thesis is currently 52 pages long. I'm going to try to finish this draft tonight. The first 35 pages or so are pretty much where they're going to be (with the exception of the introduction). So maybe another four pages of typing, a couple of hours of editing, and then. . .

It'll be done.

Oh my god.

My thesis is almost done.

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damn, thats ALOT of work! im sure your brain will need a break when you're done!

1. i wish my gf didnt live all the way across the country
2. i have a 5 day weekend starting wednesday, yay for that
3. its gonna be in the mid 60s tommorrow, thats crazy
4. im hungry
5. i still cant believe this year is almost over
Where will your degree(s) be taking you after you are done?

1. I'd like to be working again
2. I'd like to be moved to where I want to live
3. I find it sad that college was probably the most engaging and fulfilling part of my life, and that had I not gone to college, I could probably be at the same point in my career, but also owning a house.
4. I'm going to buy some bird seed today so I can bring some life to my door to compensate for the drab weather.
5. Not to sound all crazy religious or anything, but I am going to be thankful for friends and words, well-articulated thoughts and feelings.

I miss poetry.

I read soft words today for the first time in months.

It felt like breathing.

I've turned my life into a celebration of logic.

Logic is unnatural.

Only beauty is real.

Something I've tried to forget.

I want to be where there are flowers.

And I want to breathe without considering it.

Why so much understanding?

Oh, little bird, your wings aren't...
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so i was at uc santa barbara last week. it is so close to the beach! also they have flowers there.
you seem pretty awesome.