Just a random post here. Kinda wish I could get out there a bit more, I had a lady hit on me pretty hard last night at work, but she was very hippie-ish and -definately- not my type. Heh, I guess thems the breaks...

In other news, I think I just want to drop my "degree" and do Welding for a living. Its fun and...
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Well, I think that I am mostly clear of the horrible sickness, AKA: Bronchitis. It got pretty bad there for awhile, like 105 temperature for almost a whole straight day, constant coughing, no sleep\food, etc. I sure hope my brain did not fry itself like an egg from being so over-heated for so long... I like my brain! robot
awwww hunny I am sorry! I got it bad too but not for that long! just Aa few days! Glad to see you are better! You were missed! smile
Wow, I really came down hard with the Creeping Crud. 102 fever, chills, shakes, deep racking cough, achy joints, and a headache from hell. Ugh.

Does anyone know of a cheap walk-in ghetto doctor that I can go to?
go to UNM...they will trreat you and then put you on a payment plan...depending on how much you make....sorry you feel like crap...I am in the process of GETTING that!!! frown
Car is finally mobile once more! Thank goodness it was only the shifter cables, though it still set me back 300 bucks... Ugh. Exams were passed as well, more or less with flying colors, so that's another weight off my shoulders. Now I must go to work at the Crawl this evening. Anyone stopping by the Launchpad after midnight, say hi!
Well, it occured to me that I only really post when bad shit happens to me, so I figured I'ld start posting about some of the better stuff going on for me lately...

Exams going off this week, already aced 2 of them, 2 more to go.

Turns out the car just had a busted shifter cable, so that is a lot less worrying than...
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See, that's not so bad. School is almost over. Yeehaw! ARRR!!!
Stuck at home with no car for the weekend. Sucks.

It's also nice to know that my shyness has fucked me once again.

I think I'm going to have a few drinks.
What happened hunny?? why did youe shyness "fuck you"???? You were FINE lst night!!! Tiff thought you were cool!!!
That's not the issue. Just been an extremely shitty week, and it's not looking any brighter anytime soon.
Jesus Christ on a Cracker.

Probably saved a dude's life, not sure how I feel about that. Right now I'm shaky and nauseous.

Made a post in SGNM, hope I didn't annoy anyone, just needed to get that off my chest and calm down...