well today= laziest day ever. i have done nothing but lay in bed all day pretty much. it was really nice. i played video games from my bed. i ate in my bed. and right now im on my computer while i am in my bed. its crazy. i have found somethin that i would kill for. its a sword (ironic huh) its the masamune...
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hell yeah, we'll party it up
hey. so last night was cool. i hung out with my friends which is always fun. we got pretty high. played video gameas. yak now usual stuff. then i went home. and i was pretty excited to when i got home. cuz i practicly have all my things in my room now. so i set up my tv and what not. i was still high...
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I can't make friends with beer. I think it tastes kinda like dirt or sticks!
soooo. my lip is still swollen so that sucks. and job hunting didnt go well today either so that sucks as well. i skated down there well mostly walked cuz if i skate down the hill here i will prolly die its so huge. so i walked an skated a small portion. i checked out some stores. and they either had none. only the manager...
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so what part of Michigan did you live in?
thank youuuu for the birthday wishes (and reality check? ha)

so i got a new peircing. i got my lip done agian so i got snakebites. its nice i like it. i will put some pics up when i get the chance.
hows the job search going? Good to hear from you as well! Congrats on the new piercing. Getting ready to finally get my next tattoo!
Are you going to nursing school?
man its about time i updated.
so i moved to castro valley so thats awesome. hopefully i wont have to move for a really long time. before i can take another step i havta get my wallet from my friend brandon lol. this way i can get a job. so i have an income then i can worry about school and maybe gettin my license....
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a job is definitely a good idea! Money helps!
where in the hell is the castro valley anyways?
so the last couple of days have been cool i think lol. ive been hangin out with kevin some more and thats been pretty cool. new years was fun. no new years kiss tho sadly. and i asked a girl out but she said no lol. she said she wants to get to know me better. so im gonna move to castro valley either this...
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You haven't updated for a while. Hope all is well with you!!!!

There's still time for your coming-out.... wink
well im bringin the new year with alcohol, weed, and some thizz. so its fun. i hope everyone else has hella fun.
Happy new year!!!!

Velveeta in the fondue pot is such a good idea.... kinda ghetto, kinda pseudo classy, 100% GOOD.
well. christmas wasnt really fun at all. i did nothin and got a ten dollar gift certificate for blockbuster (hell ya!) lol. but ya that was it. so my friend mandie calls me a nomad cuz i move alot. and speakin of moving im movin to castro valley. things werent really workin out in davis for me cuz i wasnt able to find a job...
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I love your shirt very much. Did you make it or is it something actually sold in stores?

so i went to a party last night and got pretty wasted it was great lol. and before that me and some friends went to some street races (lame). and the whole time i was thinkin about how the cars left on fast and the furious when the cops came. and my dreams were answered. the cops came lol. everyone scattered like roaches. it was...
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i got drunk yesterday too, but i don't really remember haha
yo yo. well yesterday was an adventure. me and brandon were chillin at courtneys yesterday and we decided to go over to brandons gf: jackie's house. so we head out and get on the free way and we were goin a good 75 or so. and 2 cars ahead of us stopped really quik and the guy right in front of us slammed on his...
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Glad that your OK!
-Kelly Bear