I love Renee.

evzilluh (8:25:31 AM): I don't care. I'm moving in six days.
RPeres8682 (8:26:31 AM): perfecto
RPeres8682 (8:26:34 AM): who gives a shit then
evzilluh (8:27:12 AM): Yeah, I don't. I'm freaking out just a tiny bit about being broke as fuck, but otherwise, I'm thrilled.
RPeres8682 (8:27:58 AM): will that change anytime soon or no?
evzilluh (8:28:46 AM): Yeah, I just have...
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He looks like KEMLO!!!! How could you sell that?!? kiss
I wouldn't sell him.
I'll give him away, though.
I don't think it's unreasonable.
I just want to be completely crazy about someone again.
I had the best night at Wonderland ever last night. Of course Jocelyn was there, and somehow we wrangled Sarah into coming out to play. Just when I was starting to feel a little heartbroken over being dissed by one of the coolest guys I'd ever met, Luis eventually came through and weaseled me into buying him drinks and dinner, previously mentioned cool guy came...
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Best weekend in a very, very, very long time...

Saw my grandmother, saw my dad, saw my dogs. Spent the entire time with Jocelyn, which is just always a fucking good time. Had Quiet Storm coffee (lots of it). Had Quiet Storm tofu scramble (lots of it). Spent much of my weekend with Elizabeth, who doubles as my favorite girl on the planet and one...
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So continues the apartment hunt.
Went to see the nice people at 3031 11th last night.
The weird thing was that the other "finalist" --my competition, was there as well. The four of us (me, the other girl who wants to live there, and the two existing house mates) sat around and talked for an hour. I brought Toby with me, the girl house mate...
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The people who live in my second favorite house (out of the 25+ that I've seen while looking for a new place to live) have called me back and told me that they'd like for me to bring over my cat tomorrow evening so they can meet him and talk to me again before making a decision.

It's difficult to not get excited, but this...
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So I didn't get the house.
At least they e-mailed me to let me know.
At least they didn't leave me hanging.
At least...

I'm fucking awesome! These motherfuckers are missing the fuck out by not letting me move in! They're being ridiculous! I'm the easiest person on the fucking planet to fucking live with! I'm polite and clean and...
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Those bitches have no clue what they're missing, otherwise, they'd be crying and wailing "why god, why????" I am miserable and lonely in my cocoon of germs, and missing the hell outta ya. I think I might be dying. I have one final request from my death bed though...promise you'll bust every ex-boyfriends balls that attends my funeral. Right now, I need you, Wonderland, and a gin and tonic.
I suck for not going in today, but I was pretty sure no one wanted to watch me hack up bloody lung. We should do something tomorrow...my fever finally broke, and it only took 3 and 1/2 days, woohoo!!! I'm thinking making fun of creepy dudes at ...Wonderland? Also, Dan the man is having some silly sun worship thing...I'm thinking about stopping by briefly, what say you? This is silly, I should just call you...yep, thats what I'll do.

And I'm much more pathetic than you, and dorky to boot! kiss
So, I joined up here again, largely to take my mind off of this ridiculous house hunt that I'm going through right now.
Seriously, if you're not into me, and you don't want to live with me, just say so. I can feel my hair turning grey and my eyes sinking into my skull with every minute that passes that they don't call me.
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Did you ever know that you're my hero? Seriously, you are by far the most hostile mofogator I've ever met, and I love you for it. biggrin