ok, i know its only 6:40 but im buzzing allready.i bought a half gallon of J.D and biggrin shit .......huh what ?And no im not an alki im just celebrating my last weekend before school.after that starts, i dont think i can even try to drink and go to skool.well yay me , and happy weekend everybody
the coolest thing about pdx is that you don't have to drive at all, if you don't want to.

excellent mass-transit!

i'm living life the best i can. hope you are too.

married twice already? you'll have to tell me the story of how a man who 2 women have DEFINITELY found hot enough to MARRY would then proceed to consider himself ugly.

in the meantime, you should tell me how and why you got divorced....if it's not too personal. i'm always curious.

i left a long-term relationship before married happened, because i predicted we'd be divorced one day.

i may have been wrong.

i dunno.

el yay i finally got a picture that didnt turn out fuzzy to upload.im so proud of myself.theones in the folder came out ok,but i still kick ass.ok, now back to random thoughts.
1. why is humanKIND ,not at all?
2.who enforces the laws of physics?
3.where the hell did i get that bruise from?
Yes photoshop works very well for photos. As for the bruise situation...remember whacking yourself or being whacked anytime within the last while? biggrin
who is casper if he caused the bruise get him hit him on the head with a stick
my first day of college starts on monday, what was i thinking to have a psychology class b4 8 in the morning.why do the books cost so much?remember kiddies crack is family fun
I think colleges just like to rape students with book prices for the hell of it! frown As if we aren't poor enough to begin with! lol
knowing that work ends does make it easier i suppose anyway i'm home now and i'm laid up so lots of fun
so i can put anything i want here huh, suckers............ive been setting traps for whoever is stealing the socks out of my dryer, no luck yet, but if your reading this i will catch you.......oh yes i will.heres a few thoughts.
1. what the hell is flan?
2.my am i obsesed with boobs?(arent they basicly just skin covered fat?)
3.do book editors sit down and...
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