I hacked myself to bits and tossed myself in the fire once before,
I'll hack myself up and watch myself burn once more.
Always rising again is my punishment, just one hen pecked liver away from eternal notoriety.
You all do you, but fuck me do I love being an atheist.
I'll never use the bible to try and convince my daughter to be my wife.
I'll never hold the trigger down on a line of people waiting in the hot sun for food and go hide behind my faith when I'm caught on video.
If I want to be racist or xenophobic...
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I grew up in an area where being catholic was forced down your throat, and I became atheist the moment my brain allowed me to understand the logic inconsistencies of the bible and the strange behaviour of some catholic priests towards children...

Today Alabama, tomorrow the sun bleached bones that sit welded into the seats of our national court. I've been howling this for a fucking decade and then some, we need feminism, we need it not only to return but to be weaponized. We need militant, fucking feminism, we need "Keep looking at me, I'll rip your fucking balls off!" feminism, we need "I'm not asking...
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Democracy and any chance for it in Russia died two decades ago but the last, embittered figurehead for the movement has surely been assassinated, once and for all.
When the king of turd island has stamped out everyone and everything that dares to stop his putrid empire he will have nothing but his own decay to feed on and thus expire from. Putin is...
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The indelible mark that was left upon me by this album cannot be overstated, it's a shame that the best and brightest from this band are gone and what's left are morons who embrace stupidity but time rarely shines honor upon us. As I get older I realize much to my shame that time does not age people like wine, it withers them into fucking...
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12 Kilos...You better run


Garrett doesn’t remember getting up from the small kitchen table and navigating the narrow pathway to the settee. He doesn’t remember sitting down and trying to navigate more of the trashy fiction novel he’s most recently fixated on. He doesn’t even remember settling in and pulling the musty smelling blanket over himself in order to sleep.

One moment Garrett was...
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