It feels like spring here even though it was only 1 degree when I got up this morning. Something about the quality of the light. I recently took out almost all of my piercings, the only ones I have left are my belly button, nose, and my plugs. It feels really good, actually, I don't miss them at all.

I got a bow that is...
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That sounds like a wonderful plan!! I am hoping that we can get down there to visit sometime this summer. I'm going through withdrawls from that place.
That would be most excellent. smile
Happy 2008! I hope everyone had a nice New Year's celebration and that '08 is going well so far. I had a lovely holiday. We went to Valley View hotsprings where it was about -15 and the water was only about 98 degrees in the party pool, but I still had a fantastic night. There was a naked sing-along/dance party in the oak house, and...
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that's great! i take it that you're going to do it by the way you finished the comment. where would you be going?
i figured he was from around the boulder area, where that book is published because he researched at CU. i really want to meet him and talk with him now. it's got me very excited about what i'm doing. even more so than before. i can't even focus because i'm trying to do so many new things at once right now.

i'm going to be making two more gallons of fermented goodness for our equinox party. i want to try the heather mead or ale and i want to make one specific to the astrological events of the night. i'm going to talk to rick levine and figure out what the planetary picture is looking like and build a formula based on the proportions of influence of the planets and which herbs they govern. that i'm very, very eager to get moving but i'm going to be patient. soon it'll be time to collect the new spring bloomers around here and that'll be the time to start.
i am going to make it out to see you guys now! it's just an amazing set-up you guys have. i love it.
Happy Solstice, full moon, and less importantly to me Christmas! I took some really neat pictures of the mountains behind my house the other day, they're called the Sangre De Cristos because every night they turn bright red. Also, I got a nice sunset pic off towards the San Juans.

I got a really nice Mel Pardue butterfly knife for solstice (romantic, huh?). I think...
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it looks lovely there.

happy holidaze!
be merry and happy!
you remind me of my desire to make some sweet cherry wine next season. my friend andrew did and it is amazing.
i love bing cherries and they're even better when they're slightly alcoholic.
i've been knitting quite a bit because it's what people need right now. i've got three hats, two pair of gloves and one pair of socks in the pipe right now. woot!
enjoy the knife, too. i think i might be getting a spoon knife for myself. that or a long condenser, i haven't decided which.
Next post:

Apparently I need to not post any actual info about my life on here. Find me on facebook if you want to see what's going on with me...

You definitely want much more warm/dry herbs in that climate than in CO.

I've been doing nettie pots with echinacea and/or the gum strengthener in it. Should I stop that?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

What changes should I make to the tummy team formula to take into account my geographical location?
Should I stay away from demulsients(sp?) all together?

Last night and today I made a tea with peppermint, licorice, nettles, elder berries, marshmallow, and echinacea. It was my attempt to make myself a tea to help with my illness. How'd I do? Should I avoid any of those in the future?

Thanks for any help and/or advice you can provide.

I am still super disappointed in "Under the Blacklight". And some of the songs I originally I liked I am starting to like less. A prime example is the title track, which upon first listen through I liked that and the Blake song the most. Then one day I heard the song on the radio and I was like, "Oh man, Jenny Lewis' voice sounds so blah on this track, which one is this?" And then I realized it was one of the ones that I had originally liked.

Even so, that's crazy talk to rank it over The Arcade Fire, do you realize how fucking amazing that album is? It builds and builds and builds, and then it ends. The last album I think that I can honestly say that about was "Lifted...".

You like "Under the Blacklight" more than "Cassadaga"?

Since I posted that above I have had a wicked cough, what should I do for that?
Life, what the fuck is that about??

Winter has come and gone, and will probably come back sometime soon. I'll have to take some pictures of the 14ners above my house, they get completely covered in snow and are soooo gorgeous. My new man and I are talking about starting a business together, we've been making clothing out of elk and deer hides, next we...
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Life's good here, it's so beautiful I could cry. I'm very blessed to be involved in Ceremony and to be finding my path of service in this community. I'm also making real connections with people, which feels great. Today I'm working on stensils that will go on the walls of the house and get Italian plaster over them, leaving the most beautiful, subtle patterns in...
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thank you! i'm lucky in that i can do pretty poorly on these finals and still pass all my classes for the first time ever. it's a great feeling not to need to get an A to pass.
i'm going to go brave our torrential rains, though, so i'll wish you a safe and happy day. enjoy the sunlight.
Yeah. I'm getting way to in to her. I've been in this position before, being attracted to someone who is already with someone, but its never been this bad, or good, whatever. frown
So, I'm finally in Crestone and it's great. I'm becoming a real mountain woman, yesterday I helped to scrape a freshly killed elk hide and shot a gun. Soon, I'll get to help butcher a deer (as soon as the mountain man can bow one). Also, I'll get to do my first sweat lodge this week. My employment seems to be working out, I"ll be...
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do they run the shambhala press, too? i want to say that it's based up in the area... i might be wrong, lol.
glad to hear you're doing so well! it's always great to find a place you can be excited about.
how did you like the snow over the weekend? i dug it and then some. i miss it.
be well.
yeah, i understand the feeling. this is contact i can handle and really it's pretty mellow and controlled. you talk to people when you can or when you feel up to it and the rest of the time you get to do your own thing. easier expectations on your time.
i love when i get to really get to know a completely new part of the world. it always excites me because there is so much potential there.
darn about the press. i still can't remember where they're based. seems like i should just search for it but i'm way too uninterested in the answer now, lol.
I'm currently in Berkeley, using free wifi at a nice little coffee shop. I left the fruit farm in the Ojai valley on Saturday and have spent the last few days driving slowly up the 1, camping on the beach. I ended up taking a nice girl from Amsterdam with me, so we camped together, had fires, drank, and smoked weed on the beach. Now...
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and tomorrow i am wildcrafting stinging nettle for an acetract. woot!
how are you?
nice choice with the usnea.
i'm not sure how the acetract will turn out. i'm actually turning it into more of a miel, i guess, since i added about two tablespoons of honey, as well. or elixer? i can't remember, lol. the nettles are in their second season of this year so they're past their prime but i think they'll be pretty good, still.
i can't wait to see how the weather is out there this weekend! i always love the frosty mornings with warm days. they're almost worth the hot summer on the plains.
I am in California!! I'm currently sitting outside on a lovely shaded porch of a little organic market/internet cafe in Ojai. I"m living on a mulberry farm right now, trading work for lodging and eating the most amazing fruit! I've been picking red and pink pomegranets, oranges, peaches, carob pods, white sapotes, and tons of other exotic and delicious fruit. I only have to work...
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i am in love with the southwest even despite being here in wet-land.
i can't wait to be home in a few weeks.
how long are you staying in california picking? it's gotta be beautiful this time of year once it starts cooling down. it's beautiful everywhere, though. i have this one favorite spot on my way home. it's a road that goes up to a ridgeline and all the trees lining the street are this orangy-red and silhouetted against the evening sky every time i come through. it's this warm, beautiful break in my day.
i hope your early fall is providing the same feelings and amazing sights.
I miss you. Wow, Sedona is pretty huh?
Living in Golden has it's advantages, smart engineer boys are helping me do things to my car like connect an auxilary jack to my stereo so I can plug my ipod straight in. Also in the works, junk yard diving!

I'm housesitting for my parents again next week, which means my commute is going to be about an hour, ughhh puke I will make money, though,...
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you, kind madam, live very near where i'm from and do very nearly what i may end up doing after bastyr.
so i will say hello.
enjoy the trip and let us all know if it's well worth the effort!