i was going through youtube and found this:

i want someone to kiss like that....but who the hell puts it on the internet? kinda pratish but still hot.
the power is out.
how am i on the computer then you ask?
ahh the benifits of generators.
it was quite the storm.
a few people died as a result.
including an actress that drown in her own basement because it flooded so fast she couldnt get out.
on the news they said in the history of the city they have never heard of anyone...
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After reading your entry a few times, i realized your point - we are in fact responsible for the state of the environment - but for the greater part, people think it won't come back to kick our ass. how wrong they are.

Yes , they world and the climate patterns do display a cyclic patter, but we have thrown that into a dangerous spin out of control. The world will right itself, but we will be long gone by then. If you have not already, please see "An Inconvient Truth". Very complelling
shit its windy.

i'm so sick of people lying to me. even if it is stupid and wont make a difference. its the principle of the thing.

i'm sick of comprimising myself. i do it all the time. i set things out to abide by but never follow the fuck through.

I'm sick of food. digestion is disgusting.

i'm sick of seattle. rain. thats all...
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Wow, umm, needed to get that off your chest?

As a former Seattle-ite, i'll remind you - The rain does suck, and it will suck for a while. But the day that the clouds clear and you can see Mt. Rainier - life is good again.
on the upside, i went dumpster diving for a poster today.
find anything of interest?
Hey hun, hope your ACTs went well today.. ttyl
College applications need to die.
They always make me feel inadequate.
fuck, everything makes me feel inadequate.
I am so done with everything. I know what serious changes in myself that i should sustain although i dont have the motivation to do so. Ironicly enough though my lack of motivation is something i strive to change.
as is the ability to write better blogs....
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college apps are teh suck.
Thanks for the thought. How have you been?

its snowing!!!!!
sweet. smile smile smile smile
Hey... i just got home... took me like 25 min... i think you wont have school hella ice
I love the snow too. kiss
i want to do my hair again.
but only if its something ive never done before.
i was thinking extensions.
and light purple.
ive done everything else.
and im sick of being plain.

it seems everyone else has a strong sense of identity but me.
i used to be that way but somewhere along the way i lost it.

on the upside thanksgiving...
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You and your father drowend a christmas tree? That is so sweet. Keep up the good work.



cute photo.

cold toilet seats...

Haha your funny, i hate them too. Did you kill a butterfly today?

ah, how is it that i hate that which i would like to be?

yes im being vauge on purpose.

anyway. 4 day weekand. woot woot.

somebody entertain me.
Are you busy?? Ill hang with you now if you want
you kiss me i kiss you kiss
ahhh sickness!
i feel so icky its disgusting.

lately I've been comming to realize that Thoreau had a point when he wrote where i lived and what i lived for.
that we as a race are attracted to excess to distract ourselves from intrinsic reflection.
as a result i've been trying to get rid of all the bullshit i keep around me for no apperent...
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yesterday was pretty awesome.

i got to go to cupcake royale and easy street records with nick. smile

mmmm cupcakes and coffee and music. unbeatable combination.

havent gotten my tattoo yet but oh well.

get to see marie antoinette tonight as well.

its been a fucking awesome weekand but sadly i havent gotten anything done that i needed to get done.
oh well. lets chalk that...
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Hey, I had a great time going with you on Cali. I really hope we do it again. Oh and thanks again for going and seeing Marie Antoinette with me yesterday I have a wonderful time.

Talk to you later gorgeous,
wink <3 ya always,
i'm in a rut.

i have so much to do with school and shit im in over my head.

I need to go on a good adventure. have a change and do something,

on another note, i saw the movie borat today.

god, its so fucked up. i dont even know where to start. from random naked wrestling to a cowboy saying gays should die....
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