anniversary (12-8-08)

This was actually written yesterday on 12/7, but due to home computer issues this didn't go up until just now:

Today is a weird and special and thought provoking day for me. One year ago today I was crossing at the light on Delaware and Allen when a red Oldsmobile plowed into me while making a brisk turn and not paying attention to...
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Yes. *sigh*
Thanks blush


Days in the life...

(10-21) It seemed like I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt to work a few days ago but now there was this biting chill in the breeze. Whenever the wind would pick up I'd grimace a little. The temperature had dropped about 20 degrees a few days earlier and has never recovered. It may be nearly two hundred days before I...
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Happy to be content or content to be happy?

Sometimes I feel like the master of contradictions. I could give you dozens of little ones as examples of my theory but there is one big one that has consumed my thoughts of late. I've lived in my own little apartment going on 10 weeks now and while I've loved many aspects of the experience there...
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hockey, futons, poetry, softball and politics (9-23-08)

There are 2 parts to this blog: an update on what I am up to and a political part where I whine about America and McCain. I'll put the political stuff 2nd since my last blog was political as well.

So here's my update:

For those of you who came out, I'm very thankful but reading my poetry...
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No Arnold, it is a tumor! (8-23-08)

My big visit to the doctor Thursday was good and bad. The reason I went there (my injured knee) was good but then came other news, bad news. There is a lesion in my distal femur which basically means there is some abnormality at the base of my thigh bone right above my knee. I don't speak ER...
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I hope everything is going as well as it could possibly go with your health :S
So sorry to hear about the complications..

A belated thanks for the set love on Violette! smile
No time for coherent thought so this update blog is coming in pieces:

-Big love to Morgan Freeman, I hope he recovers fully and continues to make awesome movies.

-I've been at my new apartment for 5 days now. Money is tight, I did get some groceries and supplies so the cupboards aren't bare, but there is still more to be done. If you are...
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awwww thank you soooo much
for commenting on my new set Black Widow
I appreciate it a lot! That comment of yours made me totally blushsmile
thanks so much for checking out my latest set!!

What sort of toppings were on the burger?

Happy Belated Birthday!! biggrin
Don't you hate it when you've written something then clicked on the wrong thing and then hit the back button only to find an empty page?

Yes!! Happened today!!!

Thanks very much!! miao!!
Soreness, money, pleasures, people & poetry (6-17-08)

This will be a blog about... wait for it... soreness, money, pleasures, people and poetry. It will go in that order.

My football season ended a week ago. Thankfully I had been playing quarterback the last few weeks of the season which meant very little movement. Our team didn't have a good spring season but we ended well...
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Luncha luncha!
Today versus tomorrow (6-2-08)

For most of my life I've lived in the moment. I've often tried to enjoy the next 5 minutes no matter what the cost would be. I'm not self destructive. I don't mean I sacrifice tomorrow for today in drastic ways. I don't do drugs, smoke and I rarely drink. I don't have casual sex, lie to friends or spend money...
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aw thanks! i appricate the lovin on my set wink
Hey boy! kiss kiss kiss
Nobody's Perfect

I just went over my last blog entry and I was surprised to learn that there were so many spelling errors. I'm so ashamed. I usually do a quick spell and grammar check plus a little proofreading but obviously I didn't then.

Imperfection... I am made of this. I see it every time I look out the window, walk down the street and...
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