i hope you are having a nice time so far. im sure itll take a little while to get used to. sorry i missed your IM, i didnt even notice i didnt have an away message on. i was sleeping
Man its been a long time since I've posted anything. Well I guess the big news is that I'm moving to New Zealand for a year. I accepted a job offer at Weta Digital and will hopefully be working on some cool movies down there. I've always wanted to dable in doing Effects in Live Action Movies and now I have the chance to in...
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good luck! im sure youll have a great time
1 year............... frown
Fuck Giant Corporations that screw over their employees while making hundreds of millions of dollars off of them!
So I've decided I'd be the luckiest person in the world if I was still in High School, because aparently every girl under the ageof 18 seems to be attracted to me.

Case in point.......I went to the AFI concert tonight, and before they went on I was standing next to these 3 very attractive young ladies (obviously much younger then me) and I noticed...
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heyyyy...thanks for the info! i'm gonna be there if my man friend is off work that night! will you be in attendance as well, eh?
rarrrr......I just type a long journal entry then my browser crashed. I'll catch people up some other time. frown
sorry happens to the best of us.
i hate when that happens frown
Twas a good weekend

Got wasted Saturday night (in the fun good way)

Saw Pearl Jam Sunday night, amazing as usual (still need to figure out whos going with me to see them this coming weekend)

Slept alot Monday

All and all good times.............the only question left is, Where's the Love?
i spent mostly the entire weekend and the days surrounding it drinking. i think it was like 5 or 6 days in a row haha. ive taken a little break for a few days, you know- to prepare for this weekend haha.
I Love my Job!

Tonight we had a free screening of Xmen3 and tomorrow they are letting us leave at 2 to make the long weekend that much longer.

Plus I get to do cool stuff at my job.

Soooo tired. I need to get some sleep.

Last night I went to be and then I get a phone call at 2am from my friends Anna. She's driving back to Florida from Mass. with her friend Erin and they are tired and wondering if they could crash at my place for the night. Which is really cool because I haven't seen Anna in forever...
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So I went to the Bamboozle Festival last weekend......lots of bands=lots of fun........thats about all for that, oh other then I have a new found love for Stretch Arm Strong smile

works been cool......I'm still training in the fur department and will be there for the first half of production. Part of training they had everyone create my mohawk in the computer, so thats always fun....
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stretch arm strong? LOL cute

so your hair is pink/purple?
thats a nice color