I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
- Dr. Seuss
nonsense is the only way to go eeek
Merry Christmas to all hope you all have a great time hope all is well here something fun for thos with kids http://www.noradsanta.org
Merry christmas! kiss
Have a super extra merry one!!!
Well what's new with every one I've been pretty sick again this past week had a nasty Skin infection which took over my whole right hip it was all red a puffed out like 2'' it was sick and it hurt like hell . I seem to be falling apart as of late I think im working way to much and its starting to get...
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Sweetheart, hope you feel better. We had a great halloween SG party. You are not so often online in the last time. I miss you. Greetings to your woman biggrin kiss kiss kiss
Well I have a day off today this is odd i've been doing so much over time as of late did 17 hours on the last check man thats a lot of time. yuck we are now down 4 people at work and cant get any one new till next year which is so dumb. Next month I'll be working even more time we are...
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Nice to hear from you sweetie. Hope you dont get such a lot of stress kiss
Just saying HI and yes im still a live

say hello hope every one is ok and thanks to every one who wished me better
Oh sweetie. Nice to here from you. Whats going on? All ok? And whats with your wonderful woman? kiss kiss kiss
being alive is good.
I'm home now I helped my Dad move out to Tucson AZ which is a long ass drive it was nice but hard then my grandpa died while I was out there so I had to fly back right away to deal with that and then I got real sick last night and come to find out I have shingles which really sux and it...
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Thanks for your comment.
It would be nice to hear from you. You are ok???? kiss
Well a little bit a go we meet a new couple from SLS we've ben talking to them for some time now but just meet the other weekend it was a great time it was the first time we did full swap and it was very nice she was very hot and he was very nice cant wait to have some more fun with them....
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Sweetie, that sounds great. I will send you an email this evening whats happen the last two weeks in my life. kiss
So whats every one been up to as of late I've been on myspace working on a new group and also found a few freinds from years ago whch is really nice people i havent talked to in 10 plus years so that made me really happy.
We now also have plans for sat which should be alot of fun . Lisa brithday was very...
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Sweetie, I`m a little bit stresst the last two days, but I dont forget you. Happy Birthday to Lisa and a kiss for you kiss