hooray officially 28...so what's supposed to change this year?

Been to see Neutral Milk Hotel last night and got Nine Inch Nails tonight, going to be a good weekend of music


I'm back home for a pre-birthday visit, never have I been more glad I moved out, yes I miss my family and friends and the north, but it's so smothering not having time to myself and being asked to do things all the time.

Looking forward to the rest of my time off work, going to London to hang with my friend/Manatee collaborator for drinking,...
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Every time I lay eyes on you

I can't help but feel nervous and weird inside

Every time I lay eyes on you

I start to quake and shake

Why can't I get you out of my head?

Why can't I get your scent from my nose?

Why can't I get your face from my retinas?

I guess I'm just a mess

it's been an...
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would you go out with me?

purely speculative question, been nearly 2 years since I've had a sniff of anything and beginning to feel like a fucking bridge troll

anyway enough depressing shit


Yuck - Suck

Dinosaur Jr. - I Don't Think So

How to Destroy Angels - Ice Age


Every time I lay eyes on you

I can't help but feel nervous and weird inside

Every time I lay eyes on you

I start to quake and shake

Why can't I get you out of my head?

Why can't I get your scent from my nose?

Why can't I get your face from my retinas?

I guess I'm just a mess

it's been an...
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ever been sat with a group of people you like and realised you don't belong there... Apparently that's a work night out for me

lol amen brother

So I am apparently safe from redundancy at this time which is good, has left me feeling a little better and less stressed

now musica!

Lost in the Trees - Love on my Side

The Ballad of Barry Allen - Jim's Big Ego

Prehistoric Dog - Red Fang

In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel


So tonight I sat down and write some songs, really happy with them, now just need to play them to the other half of the Manatee who'll probably point out they're pixies songs as they usually are


So today I am at risk of redundancy, probably not going to be made but still terrifying all the same

@Punx_ cheers hope your job stays safe, @trills thanks I'm putting out a safety net with a couple of j job applications just in case
@duncanj100 Good idea :)

Still stuck in this rut,

heres a trio of songs about dead monkeys

And then some music I've been enjoying

Hope everyone's awesome


Been a weird few days

huge stressout at work courtesy of lazy co-workers dumping work on me they were supposed to do and what little they did do was such a piece of shit it left me in a shitty situation where I had to do the work over to a standard less than I would like to work to, so when I did it...
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A friend took me speed dating tonight

It was a new experience, from which I can surmise the following:

The vast majority of women who have reached the requirement of speed dating feel the need to be waited on hand and for at all times

The most interesting thing most of these women do is whine to friends about the fact that guys don't wait...
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