Okay...well im all knocked up right now with a soft cast on my leg! it really sucks. I had surgery on thursday on my foot now i have to wear a cast for several months. I go in on Wed. for my post op then i go back in like 2 weeks to get a hard cast put on. What really sucks is that i...
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get well soon! <3
Well it has been a month since ive written anything so here it goes. Last time yall heard from me i just had surgery. Well Since then I got to go home for a month and spend time with friends and family...that was a blast. Even though i have a cast on my leg i had fun going out and partying back home. I also met a great girl while i was home! We are not together or anything cuz it would be to hard for a long distance relationship but we are trying to keep in touch. other than that my unit is deploying right now and i get to stay behind and hold down the rear. It will be fun because i get to be my own boss for at least 7 months. Oh i also just hit my 3yr mark in the Corps...One more year left baby!!!! well i hope everyone is doing good in SG land. love you all!
good luck, get better soon!
Thanks for comment in my video pool party tongue
we had a great time, if you come to Chile, we will make a pool party for you! kiss
Very cool.
well thank you!! I appreciate your support of my set in member review!! your dog is a cutie pie!

Buddy Jones breakdancin with a Ugandan in Iraq....what great people..they worked security for us on base...just watch the moves.
okay...Not much new in my life, I am getting over being sick right now...but ive gotten both my roomate and my bestfriend sick..haha. i know its not funny but both of them have been makeing fun of me for being sick so that is what they get. Anyways, Sat. night i found out that a friend of mine back home had O. D. shooting up,...
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Let's see pictures of the tattoo!
okay this song means the world to me! My mother dedicated this song to me and when times were as bad as they could get...trust me!!! i believe I was about 6 and she was bartending in New Orleans where i grew up...she was livin day to day just trying to keep my afloat. well since then when we are together which is like once...
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Heh, I saw the movie with my roommate as well.
So Is anyone else as excited as i am about football season!?! Im a bigger College football fan than pro...but of course im a guy so I watch it all. I hope my team Texas A&M does a lot better this year with there new head coach...they are never in the limelight like The crapy as Texas University...I FUCKING HATE the longhorns!!!! Sorry if you...
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Well I traded in my truck the other day...I was sad to see it go. But on the good side i bought a Tahoe! I love it. it is like my dream car. It is fully loaded with khaki leather, xm radio, 6 disc cd changer, seat warmers..etc. It only has 33,000 miles on it and it is an 2004. Im so happy for myself...hahaha
dude! thanks, how have you been?! havent talked to you in forever, or seen you in chat at all!
Hello everyone...Well I entered a golf tournament the other day and I have never played golf in my life.hahaha!!! I can't wait to see how I do. I have a few friends that play all the time so I signed up with them, it is going to be a 4 man team. I went out and bought clubs, a bag, tees, balls, shoes and gloves...I...
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smile Happy 4th smile Enjoy your time off...you truly deserve it! wink

Hiya smile hows it going?