I think it's funny that apparently the "what's your dad do?" thing transcends. My sister, cousins and I used to joke about bringing home a significant other to my dad's side of the family. They're very blue-color, straightforward folk. I love them, but invariably during the first five minutes of conversation the question "so what's your dad do?" comes up. You could lay money on...
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Just found out tonight my little sister is in a burlesque show. She's very happy and I'm very proud of her. Sadly I don't know if I could handle seeing that, so I don't know if I'll be able to go to her show. That might hurt my psychology.

Merry Christmas all!
happy birthday, love! love
Looks like I'm coming down with something... cold or flu. Anyone have any good home remedies? I'm thinking tea or copious amounts of rum.

Saw the SG documentary tonight. Very cool. Made it okay to be sick as shit.
thanx i will have to look for some of her stuff, and i love spoken word, saul williams is my favorite,
i just got over a swollen glad bad sore throat, lucky my mom had left over antibotics i think help alot, only thing i can think of is vitamin C, orange juice, what my mommy always said to do smile hope u get better soon, and fresh air always seems to help me,
Only in Wisconsin... glad to see even murder conspiracies are sticking to our agrarian roots.

Man accused of offering hay baler for murder to stand

MENOMONIE, Wis. (AP) - A farmer accused of offering a hay baler to have someone kill another man because he had a romantic interest in the other man's girlfriend will stand trial.

Daniel J. Lemon, 40,...
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thank u very much for the compliment on my music, and u know another person has said it reminds them of ani defranco, its funny cause i have never even listen to her, i need to though i have heard great things
oh and im using Mixcraft, it like a free demo, but when it runs out out just download it again lol i like it its simple to use, i have no expience with any of this software so im learning

[Edited on Nov 18, 2005 8:57AM]
The Associated Press style guide has the word "G-string" in it. I couldn't imagine a situation where I'd be using "G-string" in a news story... or if I did I bet I'd get some calls.
thank you for the wonderful birthday love!
Some people at work found out I was an Eagle Scout and asked if I knew how to whittle. I told them I knew how to turn a stick into a pointy stick with no bark... so does that mean I know how to whittle?
It does if you can make the pointy stick look like a pointy stick MAN.
Chicago is a kewl town... went down for my sister's birthday and had a grand time. If you haven't been there, check out the Lakeview Lounge. Definately my kind of place.

My friends always suggest shopping boutiques in Chicago... like they don't realize I live in fucking FLORIDA...
Just got back from a training seminar in Chicago. I think I slept 10 hours all week, and here I am up still at 4:30... I'll be surprised if I don't sleep 12 hours.
Happy Birhday smile
thank you smile