Alright, so ive actually taken a day off LOL. Anyone who works in retail durning this time of year knows what i mean. Been pretty busy as of late, with work and concerts actually. The concerts that ive been to this past year have been awesome!!! Metallica, Disturbed, Lacuna Coil, Three Days Grace, STP, and soon AFI. I think im forgetting a few LOL Great...
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WOW, have I been busy busy LOL. The Job has me deicated to the hills i tell ya. You might be able to guess that I work in retail beening that its the holiday season and ive been workin so much. Hopefully tomorrow ill be able to sit back and just write abit of whats going on, but i have to finish my drink and...
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Not much going on right now, but the amount of riding my bike has been fantastic!!
Now im thinking of riding out to Calgary for a few days biggrin
What a good day!! I woke up to listening to about 2.5hrs of great music as the Bear's Top 20 echoed through my ears. Then I remembered, "Hey I wonder if the Lacuna Coil tickets went on sale?" They did and now I get to see one of my favorite bands smile favorite vocalist eeek and she is absoultley beautiful love eeek love . Know i'll have to find someone...
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Ever have a joke go to far? LOL well here I go. I was talking to one of my buddies about after he sells his house that he wanted to move to beautiful British Columbia. During the conversation I had made mention on moving to the Island, but i didn't know that anyone was over hearing my conversation. The funny thing about me making reference...
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I joined Suicidegirls to meet like minded people.
A great day is a day on my bike riding the blacktop, with someone or on my own, but company is always welcome. My addiction with tattoos started about 7 years ago with my Canadian Flag. Although I have only a few, I have the canvess to ink on, the ideas, but just lack of funds to...
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