I was at the gym and watched a guy bench press, roughly, half his body weight, 6 times. Then he proceeded to stand up, look in the mirror, and motion at his own reflection like he was Clark Kent ripping open his shirt to reveal the Superman symbol on his chest. An absolutely fantastic display of gym rat douchbagery
Wow. We are unworthy! wink
I had a pretty weird dream today. I dreamt that I went back to my old high school to visit, and a friend of mine was the new principle. The weird part was that she is only 20, and not old enough to be a high school principle, and she was naked. Other than that it was a pretty boring dream.
I had sex the next morning. Does that count?
Come one...like I need another facebook creeper. LOL. Kidding.
I need a woman's opinion.
I was at the gym today and a female acquaintance who I hadn't talked to at all today, walked up to me and said,"I'm going or go take a shower" then high-fived me and walked away. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I just got a green light to picture her naked, right?
Go get it.
I didn't realize how long it had been since I wrote a new blog, so here I go. The last time I checked in, I had just lost a dear friend. That s a big loss together over, but it did bring me closer to all of my other friends who knew Kori. As where Kori will never be replaced, it was comforting to be...
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Im sitting her right now with tears in my eyes. I just recieved word that I lost a dear friend early this morning. I met Kori over 10 years ago when we worked together. Kori later became my kickboxing and Ju-jijtsu instructor, but more than that he became one of the closest friends I have ever had. Kori was the one who encouraged me to...
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So I have somewhat of a problem. My girlfriend has gone back to school, and she is also trying to get a side business of the ground. Im really proud of her for doing all of this, but in doing so, we have gotten zero time together. I will go to her house and end up sitting in the other room watching tv because she...
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You two should talk about this .... sometimes you have to remind yourself that school isn't forever. See if she has a time frame on her goals and decide if that's a time frame you can deal with. You might have to spend your time driving her to and from right now but is that better then no time at all? I'm slightly biased because I have a demanding job that sometimes comes up at all hours or may be very isolating at times....but I know this isn't my "forever". I've had guys say I work too much...etc but this is the dues I pay for the field I want to be in....and I hope to find a guy who understands and supports that because the overall benefits will outweigh these temporary inconveniences. But...only you can decide and I think the first step is to talk because she might not even realize you feel this way. You aren't saying she shouldn't do it ...you just want a little more "her" time in the middle of it all. Good luck babe.
New items up on Ebay. Help me fund my trip to Vegas in July. Ebay ID: Pulver7794
So what do you do when you think you found a picture of an aquaintance, flashing her boobs on the internet, but you're not good enough friends to ask if its her or not?
nothing, is the best option.
I turned down my street and immediately see 3 cop cars and a news van. Dammit, Why do I miss all the good drug busts?