OK, I'm very amused. partially for the cool Quinne set, but also for the people at Penny Arcade who were so amused and shocked at their product placement. Heh.
I loved that set! Quinne is awesome.

My job sucks. If you want, email me through the site your free hours again. I'm sorry man. I suck. frown
thanks for coming out with me last night! i'm a happier girl for it. hope its not gonna make working at home in your pjs too tough today wink
Not much going on over here. Well, not too much. Mostly been working and trying to remember to eat a couple of meals a day. I hear that's a good thing.

I did wander around Sat, though. Hit the Discover Mills Mall which was very cool. And then hit a party with some friends.

A couple of amusing notes of the day. At the mall...
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The Chinese New Year party was really cool. For my second time ever out with this crowd it turned out well. Got to actually meet more of the folks around as well as chill with some of the people I met the last time I went out. And I didn't have to drive home through the ice this time, always a plus!

Still, I do...
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Jem is pimping that picture of us guys over at her page. biggrin
Oh, ohh, and on a better note. The Girl Scout cookie fariy contacted me today! I hope to have such sweet goodness arriving on my doorstep in the next week.

Mmmmm.. girl scout cookies... love
A Girl Scout troop leader suddenly came upon a clearing where a young couple was engaged in oral sex. "Back ladies, back!" cried the leader. "There's a very dangerous beast out there!" But it was too late, as several of her girls had more-or-less seen the deed happening. They asked their leader what it was the couple was doing. "Well, err.... if you must know, uh, they were practicing a brand new form of artificial respiration... yeah, that's it, it's artificial respiration!" "WOW!" exclaimed the oldest of the group. "I know which merit badge I'm gonna try for next!"

Food for Thought:
If it takes a cup of chocolate chips to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies and a cup of peanut butter to make a batch of peanut butter cookies, does it take a cup of Girl Scouts to make a batch of Girl Scout cookies?


Q: What's yellow and green, stinks, and lies on the side of the road?
A: A dead Girl Scout.

The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive salesmanship.

Little Johnny led off: "I sold charity vouchers and I made $30," he said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success."

"Very good," said the teacher.

Little Sally was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them abreast of current events."

"Very good, Sally," said the teacher.

Eventually, it was Little Mary's turn.

Little Mary walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher's desk. "$2,467," she said.

"$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?"

"Tooth brushes," said Little Mary.

"Tooth brushes," echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?"

"I found the busiest corner in town," said Little Mary, "I set up a Girl Scout Cookie stand. I gave everybody who walked by a sample.
They all said the same thing: 'Hey, this tastes like shit!'
Then I would say 'It is shit... Wanna buy a toothbrush?'"

Jeebus those were a pain in the ass to find. smile

biggrin Hope to see you tonight man!
[Cause I'm a lazy person, this is yet again cross posted from my LJ smile ]

Ok, so the only thing I seem to be prepared to write on here are disaster stories from my life. Still, as long as everyone is amused, what's the harm in it? Anyway... on the the meaty bits.

Well, work has been kinda hectic recently. Stuff happening during the day...
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[This is cross-posted from my LJ]

Well, more amusing in the fact that I was put through some personal discomfort. You all might find it entertaining, especially after the fact and that nobody died. Allow me to explain...

Wednesday morning I was having trouble sleeping, or waking up for that matter. It was too early to get up for work, but I wasn't awake enough...
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Wow!!!! That's one crazy story, I'm glad you're ok! At the time, all that must've sucked royally! biggrin

Edit to add - Oh yeah! CNY party on the 5th of Feb! You up for some SG shenanigans?

[Edited on Jan 22, 2005 5:54AM]
It's prolly been much too long for an update here. Holidays and December in general have been a wacky whirlwind of fun. Heh.

So I start off with a last min work trip up to Washington State. That took a week. Then after being home for 3 days I was off again. This time to visit the folks and such for Xmas. Not too bad...
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Alas and alack. Well, I've been a major slacker recently when it comes to posting online. Got a little busy with work and life and such. The way it goes sometimes.

I'm actually annoyed. I had planned on going to this party tonight. Was all prepped and set to go, when i find out I have a business trip where I fly out tomorrow at...
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Aww man. frown frown frown frown frown frown

I'm sorry to hear that, I wanted to get lit up with you and play Revolution in front of everyone lol.

But, there will be others parties my friend, no worries. smile
Happy xmess!
Well, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Sitting here at home, everyone asleep as I muddle around on the internet a little before sleep.

It's always entertaining to spend time with relatives. not just the immediate family, but the Mom's Sister's family. If that isn't confusing. wink Hung around, played some games with varying success. Even pulled out the 'ol Karoke Revolution game. hee. Now...
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Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving too man! I had a great one this year. haha Karokee Revolution rocks. It's definately a drinking game. Just like any of the Mario Parties...although I'm not much of a Cube man...I'm a Sony-phile through and through. You should check out Snake Eater sometime!!! Good luck to you on whatever you need luck on, and have a nice weekend! smile
Hope you had a great weekend man!
It seems time for me to test out all my camping gear. I got invited with some friends to go, so why not, eh? It'll be interesting. I had to go out today and get a bunch of essentials that I didn't have. Amazing what little stuff you discover that you might need. And if I'm lucky, I get to go to a friend's party...
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Hiya! Just wanted to sling a friend request your way, wanted to get to know some ATLiens a little better before the 11th! smile
Ahh Monday. Here you are again.

This one was an interesting one at least. Did the usual work thing, although today was ultra slow. Went to Fencing as usual and I feel like falling over now. The way it goes I suppose, at least I get the exercise.

Hung at the nearby coffeeshop and listened to locals sing and such. The guy on the banjo...
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Wow, I got my first comment today, woo! I feel so special now. smile

Heh, anyway, I suppose I should add and elaborate and such. Spent the last week or so watching way too many movies. Saw Garden State, which was wonderful. Then the Incredibles, again Pixar does an excellent job. And to top it off, I saw The Grudge with my roomie. heh, it was...
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smile biggrin
Well, if you want to IM me or something, my aim sn is miikstyle robot