Waiting for @hara set to come out. You should check her out!

3 more hours, I can't wait thanks for the gorgeous

I have a wattpad profile and have started writing a bit there. If you wanna read my poems and the short stories and stories I am writing check it out!


Also follow me on Facebook at : Dragonfyre and Ice

My main Instagram now is thebadwolfreigns 💜


So our recent blog homework assignment is who are out heroes.

I have a few for many different reasons of why i adore them. I adore/d Maya Angelou, like hearing her speak in person was the greatest gift my family ever gave me. Along with her complete works an edition I sadly no longer have due to moving. As someone who's dream is to be...
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Maya Angelou...yes! Also, Mums and Nanas rock!! 
Well said! Great blog xx

Doing my blog homework about what made me feel good this week.

Honestly this week has been long and complicated but there have been some rays of sunshine. The first ray of sunshine this week was my sisters(best friends but def more like sisters) we had a great girls night. We marathoned a few shows before heading to a korean bbq for dinner. And it...
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So gonna share the few high school pictures I have plus some way way back ones!

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