Making pulled pork sammiches today. Put on the slow cooker this morning and the pork just came out. Looks like I will be having deliciousness for lunch.

On an unrelated note I'm getting 1200 bucks back from my taxes. Wanna buy a new laptop with it but I might have to wait a bit since I'm trying to make it up to Vancouver next weekend....
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Living the Sailor Dream. Drinking, Smoking, Women, Port Calls, Deployment. Not much else to say.

"I'm on a journey. It started 19 years 51 weeks, 6 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 14, 15, 16 seconds ago. And in this time I've come too far, too far to listen to critics too far to consider defeat to far to be less than great... 25, 26, 27, 28... The knocks in my journey mapped out by my scars they're both story...
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So it's official, I'm outta here in two weeks and I'm on my way back home to the states just in time for the holiday's.

Again not much to talk about out here besides work and working out. Sadly enough though I forgot my paper that has my routine on it and I can't remember it off the top of my head so I don't...
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Realize it's been a little over a week since I've posted anything. Been hard at work out here in the desert but I finally got wind of when I might be going home so I'm pretty stoked about that. As much as I love the job satisfaction out here it's still a deployment and after only a few months I'm getting the beginnings of homesickness....
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So as of November 20th 2011 I've officially quit smoking. After getting back into the gym and trying to do my old routine and doing miserably I've realized that it's about time I put the lighter away for a bit. More power to those of ya who can do both but I can't fucking do it. Was done with endurance cardio on the bike after...
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Can't really think of anything worthwhile to write about here that wouldn't be wasting anyone's time. Figured I'd just ramble on until I stumble across something I truly feel like going in depth about that might be slightly interesting to read.

Been thinking a lot about getting out of the barracks when I finally get promoted to Petty Officer Third Class and all the things...
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Maybe it's the newbie section breaking me out of my shell a bit or maybe I just don't mind revealing bits and pieces about myself to a white space on the internet but I figure the only way to get people to want to know you is if they have some base to work off already. So I guess I'll just leave a little something...
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So I guess one of the ways to not be creepy on here is to update this blog thing like a journal. I kind of half-assed my first post with a copy/paste of something I wrote a couple years ago so I guess I'll try to do a more casual, less fervor-ed introduction.

My name's Devin if you don't by now. I go by Doss...
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LOL you're adorable. and I mean, maybe you just haven't found the right moment. don't stop looking for it. meanwhile, which sandbox are we talking about? My brother in law is shipping out to Afghanistan next month. :/
Haha thanks. I'm based out of Qatar at the moment but I go all over the sandbox. Wish your brother the best of luck, it ain't terrible out here but it ain't a cakewalk either.
This is a re-posting of some short essays I've shared previously. They do though offer some insight as to who I am so I figured I would begin posting them again from the very beginning. This is the first one I wrote almost two years ago. Comments, suggestions, and criticism are always welcomed. Thanks for reading this


Time to start a Revolution will be...
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