"When I Die" by G.G. Allin

When I die put that bottle in my hand
All these years on earth it was my only friend
When you dig a hole and gonna bury me
Put that bottle of Jim Beam to rest beside me
All my life I've been living on the run
Hanging out in bars and hotel rooms annoying everyone
Living on the...
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yeah man. bowling for columbine is a great documentary that i think everyone should see... yup yup yup/.
"...In Ragnarok..." your tear-choked words forshadowed
Your deepest regret, best friend's death you followed.
So I picture you now, as you pictured him;
Filling the seat of honor in your personal heaven.
Beautiful maidens plaster you with beer after beer.
Right at home with fellow skateboard warriors
Who are impressed by all the cool tricks you do.
You never fall down, scrape your knee, ruin...
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I just saw that movie too geez Zombies got alot of wicked thoughts eh? ha
Down in Reno drinking Pabst right now. Fuck this heat sucks! I'm almost outta beer now, so I suppose I might as well head down to a casino and waste some money....
sounds like a plan smile at least the casinos are air conditioned
Down in Reno drinking Pabst right now. Fuck this heat sucks! I'm almost outta beer now, so I suppose I might as well head down to a casino and waste some money....
I hit up a new tattoo on my left ankle the other day. It's a decent sized graffiti piece that says SICK and goes half way around my calf. I am thinking that later today I am gonna tattoo an iron cross below it, and then a character I drew above it tomorrow. I am running dangerously low on flesh that I am able to...
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I'm stoked. Social Distortion is gonna be in Portland on September 8th, and I just got my tickets. That is gonna be a sick fuckin show!
So I'm sitting here, on my nineth pint of Pabst, listening to Social D. I gotta say, "Ball and Chain" and "Sick Boy" are two of my all time favorite songs.
Fuck, shite has been outta control for the past couple of weeks. Hitch-hiked up to Portland and kicked it with the few friends who are still around and not dead or in jail. Came back to Eugene and sold some nasty hippie pot for a minute and made some money that I quickly fucked off on booze and goodies. So now I am in Southern...
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I got all drunk and went to a killer show last night. The Black Rose Phantoms, Lobo Negro, and The Necromantics. Had a lot of fun, and proceeded to get even more fucked up after it was over. Think I need to drink a space bag tonight.


How are you doing? other than the space bag smile
damn im sad i missed that show!
Fuck I got all kinds of sunburned drinking beer and swimming in the river yesterday. My back feels like it is on fire, and it's no fun having to carry a huge alice pack with me every where I go. Oh well, probably gonna do the same thing today, and get even more burned. Fuck it.

ARRR!!! ooo aaa ARRR!!!
Wandering around aimlessly last night, I met a rather looney mother fucker. We were drinking beer together beside Primal, and he started going of on some rather entertaining theories of his. I don't know if you know what "sky mall" is or have ever seen their catalog, but this nut was convinced that it was run by Satanists, as well as several well known childrens'...
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That's uber funny. I love talking to new and weird pepole. I always try and start conversations with taxi drivers but they usually don't speak english or think I'm on my cell phone. Fuckers. Rock on.
Well, I'm not squatting behind the crack-house. Shite was getting a little out of control with all the cops and tweakers, decided it was time to go. So now I am squatting by the freeway next to the rose gardens. Lotsa fun...

My best friend/partner-in-crime/squatter buddy just left for Arizona today, so now I am stuck in this shite-hole of a town by my self....
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