Though the "Dad Bod" is all the rage right now, I'm not actually a father.... Will try for semi-regular updates here.

This picture taken this weekend (May 2015)...

This Pic is a couple years old, from April 2013... Already shown a bit of improvement...

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U look nice!

Though the "Dad Bod" is all the rage right now, I'm not actually a father.... Will take some before pics this weekend to get a basepoint all started. And, hopefully semi-regular updates on progress....


Every time I make an update, I'm all, oh, I'm gonna do this more often, then...... notta.... So, I'd like to think I'll do better, but who knows. I need to participate more often, I sit on the damned side lines far too often. So, yeah, hopefully I can get it to stick this time, and actually stay active.


So, I'm on the site daily, sometimes only on my phone, usually on my computer for a better experience.... And, just happened to check my own feed, and see it's really rather ...... dusty.... Needs some love, so, hopefully I don't sleep in to much tomorrow and waste the day in bed. I've a long weekend, no work tomorrow(Monday, today) because it's "Family Day" but,...
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Another year has passed since my last birthday. November 20th. Now 32, feeling great, but, somewhat let down.

The plan for my birthday was simple, meet up with a large group of friends, hang out and chill all night. What actually happened was half the people canceled last minute, or just didn't show up at all. So, there were 7 of us, which was still...
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So, It's November, I'll be 32 this month. No plans of yet for my birthday, so, we'll see what I end up doing. Most likely will just head to a movie or bar or something, lil group of friends, good hang outs. I'm not sure if Valentines was when I was conceived, as I was a little late coming out I'm told, so, I'm just...
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Love my job, love being inside/outside all day, walking stairs and what-not. I'm not sure if it's the season change or something, but, I am ridiculously tired lately.

I'm an electrician working on a new commercial building in downtown Edmonton, will be a nice lil 28 story, working on building the condo's in 13th floor right now. Lots of stairs, cause it's so much faster...
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So, I met a girl back on September 20th. Out at a bar with a buddy, we met up with one of his friends, who was celebrating a birthday with 2 of her friends, both single, she being engaged/married/otherwise taken...

Spend the night, my friend, and these 3 girls. Tims friend, who invited him out, went to school with my Brother in law, so, I...
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So, yesterday, I went for a consult, and, put down a deposit. Appointment on the 20th...

Just found this link on Facebook and decided it NEEDed to be shared here. Doesn't apply to myself nearly as much, since I'm male, but, read the article, it's Awesome!!!!

Don't get a tattoo, Having a kid is cool though

Other than that, my new renter/roommate is still MIA,...
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So, I've been wanting to get a tattoo, as currently, I'm totally unmodded, and I have it down too two different concepts, for three different locations, not sure which I'd want first, and, in which location I'd want each....

So, if anyone has any input as to a good starter location for pain tolerance as I'm a total newb...: Location 1: Left upper Chest,...
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Well, as far as I can tell it should first of all be clean and hygienic, best with a seperated area only for the inking. Then it's also great if the tattooist listens to your ideas how your tattoo should look and work on the design considering your input instead of just working after "templates", if you know what I mean (god, my english is so bad...sorry). Sven, the guy who did my first tattoo (an will do all my tattoos in the future! ;) ), looked at the pic I found on the internet, listened to my ideas how it should be redesigned and then made up a whole new design that based on these things. And what can I say? The tattoo looks absolutely magnificent! :)
Good tips, thanks for the input!!! :)