This new Jonsi record is actually pretty cool. Sigur Ros has always been a little too "out there" even for me. But I'm digging the Jonsi solo album.

He's like a male Bjork.
I'm so excited that Jose Andres is opening up a new restaurant in Las Vegas. I'm going to get my name on the waiting list!

I'm no foodie. Well, maybe I am. But this piece of news to me pretty much made up for a shitty day at work.
But it's alright now.
I Learned my lesson well.
See you can't please everyone.
So you got to please yourself.

So well said. Thanks, Ricky.
Loved your set. You should be a suicidegirl for sure! love
So I'm stuck in limbo. I have two job offers and I'm not sure where I'll go. Vegas or Santa Rosa, CA? On one hand, I like the excitement and craziness of Vegas. On the other hand, I feel like I should settle down a little and move to suburban wine country in Santa Rosa. I guess I can't go wrong with either. It seems...
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I've been to Santa Rosa, Never to Vegas
Trying a new brand of Omega 3. Not bad. My stomach feels ok and I'm not burping fish. I hope it actually has Omega 3 in it.
back from Cabo. I tell ya. Cabo's beaches are beautiful and the water is great. But the jellyfish are mean.
I love it.

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