It's one of those classic nights in New Orleans. Balmy is how I would describe it. The termite swarm is over for the night and I can turn the lights back on. The air just doesn't move at all. It kind of sits on you, clings to your skin. I love it here... I guess I'll never leave.
Got yer email...we'll talk soon.
I look mean in my profile pic. Rain rain rain. NO BAND PRACTICE TODAY! Lake Charles sucks, it's true.
Hey, I'm coming down to see Morning 40 Federation on June 12......and you are a Royal Pendleton. I have you music on the JMMcCarthy soundtracks...Sore Losers, et all. Very cool......
Italians rock! I mean the people who live there.now.today, not just anyone who may have once had a bit of familia there.(of course, you may indeed rock also, but I'm not generalizing about you at this moment.sorry) I just spent two days watching two Italians talk about making espresso. They make it seem so very important, almost essential (of course it is) . They say...
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Once upon a time a boy loved his new tattoo and they lived happily ever after.
the end.
Ok, so I went to see the Foo Fighters. It sucked! The sound was so bad I had to leave in the middle of the show. Why do small clubs think they have to put out sound to fill an arena? Do they know it sucks? Is it a "my mix is louder than yours" thing. I just waited in line for two hours and...
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Saturday, May 1st. Circle Bar. New Orleans. 11 pm The Royal Pendletons are back. See you there...