4 months gone and she still fucks with my head. I guess 9 years is too long to shake, but it still fucks with me. My logical mind is straight with this . It's good. But, why does it make me mad when she shows up? Why can't I just let it go and roll? I hate not being able to control how I feel....
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I think part of my brain has exploded. I'm still alive, but I feel really different. Hmm...
Attention everyone, the week is over! There is nothing more to see here, please go home.

What is it exactly that makes some people feel the need to be so rude? Are there no manners left in the world? Do these people not understand that it feels nice to be nice?
(note to self: smile more)
yeah people suck. No one says please or thank you anymore.
Alright, it's official, I'm drunk. Oh yeah, and Morning 40 rocks!!! It's strange, but in spite of how many hotties were at the show, I'm looking for their tattoos or I'm not looking. Damn you SG. Ruined me for normal chicks.
I'm on my way to see The Morning Forty Federation at Tipitinas, wish me luck. Tonight is the first night in maybe five years that I can drink all I want cause I'm not driving, and I don't have to get up early tomorrow. Anyone wanna bet on how many beers I drink?
I love Kung Fu movies!!!
Iron Monkey is a great flick, go see it.
Does shit haunt you sometimes? Sometimes I just cannot get stuff out of my head. It bounces around in there knockin stuff over, spilling the milk and breaking everything. Just when I thought I had everything in it's place, it's bam, and I'm screwed up again...
i totally know what you mean!
i was like that alll the time..thoughts always bouncing around in my head causing problems
now I'm on medication tho so it's better
I bought a new bed today. I am now going to take the sheets out of the dryer and sleep like a baby.....
Holy Shit! She finally got her own apartment, and it's not next to mine! This is my first vision of the sun through all that fog. I feel.........wierd. I am (almost) really a single man again.
just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion on where to go in NOLA...I had a great time!
hehehe wink
My newest band Lux had our first show last night at Checkpoint Charlie's, and other than setting a new record for rushing an entire set, it wasn't bad for a first go. Now we just need a permanent base player... ( we borrowed one last night )