I know, I know, it's without any style to talk about money, but I just noticed that the months of not-enough-money-to-by-organic-food and shamefully oweing several people money have ended. I also noticed that in five months I will earn more money without asking for it, not because I'll work more but because I'll be older. Being an official employee is cool...
Ok, enough. Now I'm...
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Your journal entries always make me smile. And they always add a little bit of meaning to my day biggrin

There aren't many WW2 bunkers left over here. Most of them were ripped up in the 60s + 70s. There actually aren't many places to practise at all. We practise in an old building that used to be an alternative club, but got closed down because the building was condemned confused

You're so sweet smile And don't worry, I'm planning on shooting a new set this week so I'll try my hardest to recreate that for you kiss

Why do some people have so much luck in their life while other have always bad luck? A german proverb says: "He/she attracts bad luck" and I think it is true, some people seem to fail their whole life and one misfortune is followed by the other. Could be curse, but it's rather a self-reenforcing reciprocal process between the person and it's environment. Similair to...
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I liked your postings on the discussion board!

About bad luck, I'm not sure about "attracting" it but I do think people who've had a bit of misfortune and chosen to focus on it (instead of, say, being grateful for whatever good might have happened) will then tend to notice more of what appears to be bad luck ... will select it out of the events in life, will recite those events to others, and will then come to view himself as a bad-luck person. In order to show otherwise, you'd have to know every single event that took place in a person's life from birth forward *and* you'd have to know whether each event was "good" or "bad"; you'd need some kind of universal, omnipotent scale, which I don't think anybody has.

I personally would break down without peanut butter, yes.
I suspect they find peanut butter more important.
Life is good. In fact, my life is very good now. (Besides that I'm ill and lying on the sofa watching bad videos all day - but that doesn't make life less good) There's nothing to complain about - nothing really worth complaining; nobody to feel angry about - nobody worth to feel angry about.

Have a nice day. smile smile smile
Times like that are priceless.
Awww just reading your journal has cheered me up no end... biggrin

Ha ha... I wish my IQ would increase based on the fact of playing + singing at the same time...unfortunately I don't think it will happen. I swear if I actually took an IQ test I would fail...

Cherry xx
Would you call Kelly Osbourne a punk?


Yes, exile for Saddam wink :

I am still awake, but about to go to bed soon wink My sleeping patterns are always highly irregular. I'm a very strange person when it comes to sleeping.

I think it's because in my work I have to deal with a lot of American companies and end up adjusting to suit them whatever

I miss the daytime confused


Cherry xx
Kelly is about as punk as Britney Spears.
I had a shit this morning.
No no, I got it couple weeks ago. I'm almost certain I posted a quick thank you, but you easily could have missed it. So, Thanks. smile I've been listening to it in the car, and I like it muchly.
aha. msytery solved. plus, you've really tesed some of the limits of my german, with all the past tenses of to shit etc... keep it coming.
after 6 months I finally defeated my laiziness and did some jogging today. Ok, not without the motivational help of two neighbours, I must admit. It's nice, when not everyone lives anonymously side by side in a house. And as we were running down the canals here I hoped that someone I know would see me, cause they were two pretty girls.... whatever *cough-cough-blush* biggrin

And now...
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are yo la tengo and belle and sebastian popular in germany now? last time i talked to my cousins it was all "die toten hosen" , "bad religion" and "nofx". well, and oma is still a mad david hasselhof fan!
what do you like about denmark? have you been to christiania?
Iche sollte in Deutsche schreiben, aber meine Deutsche ist nicht so gut jetzt. Chuss.

[Edited on Jan 14, 2003]
You're too sweet to me kiss

Cherry xx
"... the really irrational and actually inexplicable is not the evil, on the contrary: it is the good."

Imre Kertsz
rock on.

i just read your post from last week in spooky's argument-bait "muslim rapists" thread. Voice of reason. I'm now trying to figure out what exactly is the deal with him and really hating the Arabic/Muslim world. Its kind of shocking.

Gas, food, lodging. odd. Are you a dinosaur Jr. fan? J. Mascis did most of the music for that, there are even a few Dino Jr songs. He also played a part, i think he was the rock selling guy.

[Edited on Jan 11, 2003]
Thank you wink

We recorded each of the breaks + we didn't overdub... there's actually only two that are the same and two that are different.

But we did record each + every bit as if it were 'live'...

I'm just curious, but why do you ask? biggrin

Cherry xx

P.S I like that quote...
I just had a fascinating discussion with a friend and fellow sociologist about this site. But don't expect me to tell you anything about our conclusions... smile But I will tell you this: To participate here is exiting in several respects... Nothing unusual, I do this all my life, theorizing about the things I'm a part of. Just living a life would be boring, only thinking...
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I expect there's a sociologist writing about SG now as we speak. I wonder how much research has been done into internet communities such as this?

Regarding psychopathic girlfriends, I think any sort of excitement is better than none!
haha, yes...the sociological implications are tremendous! *strokes imaginary beard lovingly*

funny thing: i too once had a dream that i met spooky awhile back. in this dream i was traveling about with some fellow traveler and we ran into spooky in a club. he was a fabulous flamboyent gay man with big hair and red lips....go figure.

SG is quite the phenomena oh yes..
Come on, sing along with me:

Azzurro, il pomeriggio troppo azzurro e lungo per me
Mi accorgo di non avere pi risorse senza di te
E allora io quasi quasi prendo il treno e vengo, vengo a te
Il treno dei desideri nei miei pensieri allincontrario v.

...but if you think that'll be not cool, just fuck off and crawl back into your cave: Your...
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what language is that? italian?
i am curious now.
Teacher Pupil fantasies? ::shakes head:: Sie sind so frech tongue

I did vist both Austria and Germany a few years ago, but I don't think I stayed there long enough, but when I came back my German was great. I'm really terrible at remembering my vocabulary now because this is the first time I have spoken German in 4 years frown

I love the two countries though, they're both so beautiful. Especially during the Winter. I love skiing too which I can do over there biggrin

Cherry xx
yeah, a new group is born! Come in and join, you'll get french wine, german beer and dutch geneva for free. And I will teach you some fine german swearwords, that will help you to succeed everywhere for your whole life.
I'm glad you liked my set, thank you kiss Ooo + I am a favourite?! :blush: he he smile

I will join your group very shortly, but I'm soooo busy right now I don't know if I'm coming or going!! tongue

Thank you for your little story about my set too smile he he... not quite true, but I can dream of being so sought after wink

Cherry xx
Hello, neighbor!
I'm from the other side of the Rhine... may I join, if I bring the wine?
Anyway, best wishes!
Help! New Year's Eve is approaching ... forced happy-happy-party-party everywhere .... brrrrr....
I'm invited to some in Leipzig, but I have no single euro to get those 400 km by train or car or plane, so unless I can't find someone else driving to there I will probably stay at home..........
Yesterday we had a little can-farewell-drinking here and now there are beercans everywhere in...
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your stumbling english is an order of magnitude better than my non-existant German.
Thank you for your support honey kiss

I hope you had a good New Year!! Even if you were forced to be happy wink I stayed in and slept tongue he he...

I hope my German was OK + made sense to you because I didn't receive a repsonse... Oh well, I guess I messed it up, I knew I was terrible at it tongue

Cherry xx
Maybe it's not very nice of me to play my electric mandolin at 11 pm in my apartement, but on saturdays it should be ok... Threesome jamming, a friend, me and band-in-a-box. If computers make any sense, it's because there is SG and band-in-a-box. This program is so great, runs eveon on my old laptop and helps me so much to practice my improvisation skills...
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haha i have this great visual of you rocking out with your madolin.
its so weird to see that someone thinks about the same things as i do. ive always asked people what was so great about fun but they just look at me like im an old codger.
the news sickens me. people in this country (and i guess in other thecnolgically adavanced nations around the world) are far too comfortable. no one has any problems. i think its important to have apurpose. i dont know how to feel like you really have a purpose when everything is taken care of for you. ive wanted to go to tokyo before i die for wuite some time. i even tried to learn some japanese once but i decided that german would be easier and more practical (maybe when i learn some i can type to you in german!)
and now for the answers:
no i dont, hiccups are caused by a kind of spasm in the diaphram which is usually due to some sort of excitiment (im just guessing), i dont study medicine cause i think its all crap, yes.
that is hilarious that a picture of my bed and my kitty is your desktop! lol i'm flattered smile