The new Against Me! record came out today. I actually had to go to a few places to track it down. I'm liking it so far, though it's pretty different; the overall feel is darker than that of their previous records, and most of the songs are seeped in desperation.

And speaking of punk rock, I some how ended up with a girl who doesn't...
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happy birthday biggrin

-I love scifi. Well, obviously, but I love it enough to get a second scifi tattoo, specifically a robot. Saving commences now!

-Speaking of tattoos, a girl I used to date just got a zombie nurse half sleeve that is quite sick.

-They found the fuckers who killed my friend. This fact, although offering satisfaction on one level, really doesn't help the situation. I...
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I'm glad to hear they caught the guys.

Will call you today.

Last week my friends and I swore up and down to each other that we were going to refrain from drinking at school this semester.

Let's just say that we didn't even make it through the first day. We spent most of the first day of school at Sensational Subs, and then moved to Sidebar. But hey, at least I, unlike my buddy Nate, made...
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Well, I'm all signed up for classes and ready to go. I also finally got around to declaring my major, and thus I'll actually be taking classes I need to graduate from now on. Woooo!

Here's the ol' list:

Intro to Archaeology

North America before 1800 (this means I'm going to have too sit through tarriffs, taxes, and levies again, but oh well.)

Intro to...
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heeeeey have you bought your film book yet? I'll sell you mine for cheap.
Man, I'm a sucker for a blonde. Especially when said blonde is turning up a bottle of bourbon.

Today is not so good.
Are you hitting on me?
Friday night a few friends and I went to the Alley Cat in Underground to see Artemis Pyledriver play. No sooner had I paid my cover and walked inside than I got a phonecall from my friend Catie, informing me that her boyfriend, my friend Brett, had been murdered.

Now, this wasn't entirely unexpected; he'd been missing since Sunday night, and police found his car...
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Sorry to hear about that.

AP is good. An enjoyable show, saw them open for Mastodon & Jucifer a couple of years ago.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend's passing away... but I'm glad that you're working through it.
Guess it's about time for an update round hur.

I really haven't been up to much. I've spent the last two weeks alternating betwen being sick as a fucking dog at work and at home. Excitement abounds.

I cut my hair off, and now I have as close to a pompadour as I can manage. It's pretty sweet.

Friday night I went to Taco Mac:...
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The Flesh Bots??? I was supposed to go but I had to work. I've known two of those guys for years. Have fun at Warped. If you see Good Charlotte, kick them once for me.
ooo aaa
Well, I've had an interesting time the past few weeks.

I went to Ru Sans with the girl I was dating a few weeks ago. Turns out she goes there so often that the entire staff knows her. In other words, they gave us caraff after caraff of free saki. I eventually had to stop drinking so that I'd still be able to get us...
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I will so be at Weezer. In fact, I'm already there. Ok, no...no not really. But I can't wait! I'll keep an eye out for you. You keep an eye out for a short platinum blonde making an ass of herself. We're sure to find each other then. Drunken asses unite!
Last night I saw Judas Priest. Judas Priest!

And the best part was that it was completely fucking free! You see, yesterday was my buddy Luke's birthday. Luke works at Emeril's. One of the regulars at the emeril's bar is a promoter, and the other day she showed up with a stack of about a hundred tickets, including tickets to Judas Priest and John Melloncamp....
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"Turbo Lover" is possibly the greatest driving song ever.
I'm jealous!
Has anyone ever tried that Budweiser Energy Drink crap? Well, the other night my friend Steve unleashed that monstrosity upon a previously chill cookout at my friend Morgan's house. We had all been drinking, smoking, and eating burgers for a few hours, so we were all fairly loaded already. The addition of B to the E to the mix resulted in the most ridiculous conversation...
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I've tried B to the E. Way too fucking tangy, but otherwise somewhat tolerable. If I'm going to drink an alcoholic energy drink, though, I'm going to go with Sparks. 6 percent alcohol and tastes like a flat Sunkist.
Dude, you KNOW I'm riding the fucking pterodactyls.