so im back in afghanistan, living the american dream.....not!! Ive been back here since february and its been getting hotter and hotter every day. So ever since i've been back, my relationship between my girlfriend and I has been a little different. She's been distant, a little hesitant, and moody as all hell. I know shes been stressed with work and me being gone. Its...
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so I have six more days until I am home back in the U.S.. It's been five long of being in this country, and I get to go home to my girl and my family for two weeks. I can't say that i've done much here, but i've seen a lot. I am excited to come home, but i don't want to come home and...
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So its a new year, 2009 was crazy, but very enjoyable. I went through a lot of change this past year, from constantly training for this deployment, in and out of relationships, to meeting and taking my chances with the most beautiful caring woman that i've been with ever. I've gone through the ups and downs of this year, and am glad that 09 is...
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We cut our teeth in the bedroom. we slit our wrists in our costumes. All of them, witches. Witches, Witches, Witches. We are the Death of the party. We are the life of the funeral. All of us ragmen.
We cut our teeth in the bedroom. we slit our wrists in our costumes. All of them, witches. Witches, Witches, Witches. We are the Death of the party. We are the life of the funeral. All of us ragmen.
So december just got better for me. today i was able to change my R&R date from april to january. My girlfriend flipped her shit when i told her today and havent seen her with a smile that big in a while. other than that, still have to do xmas shopping for the family. Life's real exciting here in afghanistan.......not.
well its been about four months since i last ran two miles. back then i ran 2 or miles every day. Well, i must say that todays run kicked my arse and i need to get back into better shape than i am right now. other than that, ive been thinking alot about my next tattoos that i should get when i come home on...
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well 4 months down and 8 months to go. its been an adventure for sure and a culture shock, being in a third world war torn country. I havent seen much but seen enough of the carnage of what war does. From being a civilian and watching the war on the news, to being right in the den of the bear's cave, life changes and...
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so today is thanksgiving and this is the first time i will be celebrating it in a different country. All is peaceful on our tiny little fob(base) out in the middle of nowhere afghanistan. Ofcourse we are having turkey for dinner but, also we have a whole beef leg that we get to consume. Earlier i got invited to go over to the italian side...
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