"Oh, dude! Do you know who you look like?!"

I've heard this question, oh, about three-gazillion times since I was the age of 10. Way before I even needed and wore glasses. Yes, I know who I look like. I look exactly like David Jett.

Ok, the answer to the question is "John Lennon." I've been told so many times in my life that I...
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-Supernova (Tommy Lee, etc.) have changed their band name due to losing a court case to a band already named Supernova. So what is the new name? Rockstar: Supernova. Yes, they named themselves after the tv show title. Rockstar:Supernova is ok, but they don't rock nearly as much as The Amazing Race or Boston Legal...and Meet the Press is one kick-ass band!

-I got to...
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hehe pants are not a necessity. thanks for the lovely words. i'm happy you are enjoying them kiss

Well, that explains it...

New bands have been ripping off old bands since the birth of rock & roll. I like to think of it as song writers being influenced by their heroes, the people they grew up admiring. Others dismiss bands like Oasis (a favorite of mine) by saying "aw, man, they're just ripping off the Beatles!" So what, I say! At least they're...
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The New Phonebooks Are Here!

That's a quote from "The Jerk." If you've never seen that movie, I hate you. Just on general principle. I also have the same problem with someone who tells me that they don't own a tv. I want to punch those people in the face. Seriously. I don't mind people who say, "well, I only watch the news or PBS."...
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Snakes On A Redneck!

Well, this was bound to happen. Kinda like another big hurricane hitting this year, or the Dixie Chicks cancelling their tour stop here in Memphis (even though they sold out the Fed Ex Forum last time through, Pre-Bush bashing. As soon as they announced they were cancelling some dates due to slow ticket sales, I knew redneck Memphis would be on...
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aren't the snakes more likely to bite the dumbass holding them?

thats so random, and kind of impressive...i think, it may just be because i've been drinking.

thank you for your comments, i'm glad you enjoyed the pics! (billy idol is cool :p )
Random Notes...

-For those of you who used to live here and still read this blog: a Memphis Picadilly restaurant (and I use the term "restaurant" loosely) was recently robbed...while Mayor Willie Herenton was eating lunch there. The mayor's bodyguard chased but failed to apprehend the robber. For some reason (actually, for many reasons) this seems to sum up Memphis in a nutshell.

-I watched...
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You Don't Say?

So last night at The Walkmen show at the Hi-Tone (with opening act Bobby Bare, Jr.) I'm talking to my friend Jessica. "Jessie B" wants to be a music journalist. So I'm telling her about a great book that I'm currently reading. I'm sure she'll find it highly entertaining since it has a lot to do with music. The book, just out...
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I swear I'm the same way. I always talk over people if I have an interesting thought come into my mind while they are blabbering on about some nonsense (men that is)...lol....but I'm also out there, and very outgoingo personality type so that's to be expected (and is a bit rude).

And yes women do expect you to pay attention to every little detail, I know when my bfs remember something I said, a detail that is something non-sexual for example, I always reward them greatly with praise and sexual favors, lol smile Casssss
Snakes On A Plane Award!

...goes to the former King of Clubs on Brooks Road in Memphis, TN!

Last night a man was shot at this strip club which had been temporarily shut down last December due to allegations of prostition. (which, by the way, were true. I've been in that club with a guy I know from Baton Rouge who used to love to...
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Well, she is blonde...

Pam Anderson and her huge boobs will be marrying Kid Rock in a ceremony near St. Tropez, France. They will then celebrate with a honeymoon taking them to Malibu, Detroit and Nashville. (Leave it to Kid Rock to "redneck" things up a bit...)

But here's my favorite quote from the story:

Asked how she's coping with her nerves before the big...
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At least they all had their shirts on...

Last night I step onto my front porch for a smoke. Good timing, as it seems some drama is unfolding in the neighborhood.

It's generally quiet where I live. Not a lot of crime. The block is made up mostly of a few young couples with no kids, a few elderly, a row of houses that somehow...
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thank you doll >^..^<
wow that is crazy
about ur neighbors