So what does a responsible adult do when they no longer have internet. As none of you are thinking Keith you have hardly ever been a responsible adult, where this might be true. On this very auspicious night I decided to do some adulting. I went on my 3 Mile Run while catching Pokemon in came home just in time for storm to hit, said...
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So today I almost killed a kid. Was coming home and 2 kids were riding their bikes on the side of the road not paying attention. One kid dropped something and immediately turned his bike into traffic to turn around to get it. I saw the kids so I had slowed down somewhat already but I was still going 35 or so. If I had...
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For everybody who lives in England I'm so sorry. My father was born in England I've been to England I feel so bad for you.


After "reconnecting" with someone from high school who was popular, I have ascertained that we have very different point of views of what it was like..... "oh I loved the parties and all the fun".... me... I was never invited to them..... Sigh people are so ignorant.