Work has been brutal. The holiday season really brings it out in everyone. It doesn't help matters either when people treat an open bar like a job and they're trying to punch in overtime. Some advice- if your buddy is getting arrested for being a dumb shit, don't lean over the cop putting the cuffs on him to say 'good bye' and 'don't become someone's...
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AHAHAHA, Im sorry i didnt see this earlier. "Here, meet your new cell mate" And a 400lb toothless dude gets off his bunk, and say, "bend over".
No worries. Oh the joys of working with the public

More pictures by Holly Mass. Not enough to write home about but I think they turned out well. :)

Thanks guys! :)
These are great. Really cute but still very sexy. Like when your best friend's little sister comes of age and you know you should know better.

Projects in the works. Made the wings from nine bags of feathers and a lot of glue. Restored the sword as well. It was rusted over.

That blade is fantastic. I love those ripple blades. All of mine are straight, or katana, slightly curved. <3
Love all my swords!! I have two katanas, a broadsword, and that serpentine rapier.

Getting ready for another shoot with my photographer on Friday. I've made my wings and I'm fixing my sword as we speak. I have work in a few hours, and I still have to go to the gym. I wish I could bottle time or something.


This isn't mine. I saw it on Tumblr. It's lovely though, and made me pause in thought.

The loneliest people are the nicest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest.

If you like your ears, you should go check out Louden Swain. Super talented band. Kinda indie and a lot of fun. Do yourself a favor and listen to 'Eskimo' and 'Like The Heart Goes'. Discovered them while I was in Toronto at a Supernatural convention after sitting in on Rob Benedict's(lead singer) panel. I got to hear him sing 'She Waits' without instumental accompiament, and damn, it was impressive. I am usually really picky when it comes to music. I'm one of those people that if I like it, I like it, and if I don't, I really don't. I got to meet Mr. Benedict later on, and he is a very sweet and kind in person, and a delight to talk to. I don't usually support bands or give a crap about that kind of stuff, but I'm making the exception with Louden Swain. I wanna see them live and meet all the band!! Sadly, they live out in Cali, and I'm stuck in Florida. Anyway, long story short, check them out. http://www.loudenswain.com/, Louden Swain (LoudenSwain1) on Twitter, and they are on Facebook and Tumblr as well. And yes, I know I look like a total dork in that, but that is how I hug people. I'm an 'eyes closed, get in there bear hug' kinda girl.


Actions, words, and deeds no matter how small and seemingly trivial matter. Keep in mind that even feathers carry weight enough to tip scales.©


Sleep is for the weak and more than likely the sane. I wish I was more familiar with the concept. Oh well, anime and Tumblr will keep me entertained until my mind gives up the ghost and decides to agree with my body for once. Blows kisses to all the other night owls who will watch the coming of dawn with me with blood shot...
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I'm usually in bed by 11:30 but it's 3:08AM here and I'm still wide awake. My brain just doesn't want to settle down. It's actually really frustrating! When I lay down, my eyes will close but then 5 minutes later I'm thinking about a million things and feel wide awake again. Hmphhhhhhh! 
Have been battling insomnia for a few months now.... learning to function off of minimal sleep has been a struggle  especially in my line of work, but I seem to manage. At least this way I get to keep up with all the lovelies here on SG!!!