Romance and relationships can wait; now is the time to find myself and enjoy life without looking behind afraid that I've lost the person I'm with. Being with someone for 6 years and then suddenly not, I almost forget who I am. The ephemeral parts on top of my core being, anyway. I'm still the same Nick at base, all the important parts like my...
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Blork. Just when I think things are going right in my love life, I realize they're really not at all. Thinking != feeling, I am finally coming to realize.

Why is it that I'm not attracted to the girl who is new but awesome in every way, but I'm still attracted to the girl who broke my heart?

Fucking human brains, all irrational and shit... mad
There is nothing wrong with me shopping at Forever 21, Im not obsess. Things are just a tad snugger and I feel more comfortable wearing dresses. Mainly on my hips.

Girls are girls and im not going to become a seamstress overnight to make these insane purses with my luck. I like Guess and thats what I like

Pregnancy sets are no longer accepted by sg so Im not doing a preggo set and dont intend to because i dont feel like shooting while im pregnant.

This must be a marketing gimmick:

Hello Popular

I guess you're going to get access to your SuicideGirls account for free, because an internet friend of yours missed you so much they decided to pick up the tab. Your account will remain active for free for 3 months, beginning when you click on this link:

there was a link here

You will not be charged...
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love the profile pic...so cute!!
I got one of these too.. couldn't decide if it was marketing or I was just irresistible... then I saw the mirror.. must be marketing wink
This lack of a journal thing is holding me back, I think. I just decided that. Just now. Just as I have to run and go to Dave's to play several hours of Scrabble. So is a half-assed entry better than no entry at all? I'm a perfectionist, so I would tend to say no, but I'm trying to get better. Being a perfectionist doesn't...
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that was a great plan you put in my journal there wink
wasn't it though? See, this is why math is so great. you can work out all sorts of things like that. Without numbers and the concept of negativity, you'd have... doughnuts being sold in bunches, contests where the prize is "... LOTS OF MONEY!", and mailing addresses like "over there".