Missing my fam.....This is around 1977(me on right @ 12 yrs old) said something my dad wasn't happy to hear right before my grandma snapped the pic. lol!
Well....a big shitty part of life is losing those closest to you n I regret to say my father passed away Saturday the 21st....he was a beautiful person who led a beautiful life!!!! He will be missed! β™₯

What can I say but all of my South American sisters have my head spinning! Such beauty n passion for life!....Love you ladies! ;)


What a year so far.....I wish I meant that in a positive way but you all feel me I'm sure. Sitting here on Independence day missing people that have passed some very recent n some not so. I guess my point is try to understand,be patient, give space, n most of all just love and appreciate who you have in your life.....they might not be...
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Just want to say that I really enjoy this site & all of you beautiful women! ;) I worked at Sassy's bar n grill in portland,oregon for many years and actually had the pleasure of working with a few SG girls. I am an aging musician who has always loved this SEX,DRUGS, N ROCK N ROLL lifestyle. Cheers! And if you're in to Heavy Metal...
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I am honored to be a model here, I love sg I'm glad you like it too❀😻
Welcome to Sg, is so great be part of this comunity 😍