There's a gun show this weekend...I'm going..who's coming with me...eh eh....but on a serious note...back in NOVA hanging out getting in shape again...damn you broken back....and just having a good time....3 more months til my pops comes home from afghanistan....can't wait....and.....mmmm.....yea so i'm home in dc who wants to hang out!
He he he, it does sound a bit better, but I can play this game forever. Check it out, you just might like it... Plants Vs. Zombies
This summer has sucked balls...seriously...just found out this morning a good friend of mine from college was killed in iraq yesterday.....so that's two good friends in one summer....damn this sucks..i want to get back over and fuck those assholes up....
frown Hugs to you
My little brother is starting his 3rd tour soon, we think he's going to Afghanistan this time. I tear up just thinking about the day I get that phone call from my Mom. It doesn't help that one of my sisters is in the Navy and about to start her first combat tour. I haven't lost anybody yet (knock on wood) but I've played the scenario in my head enough. Sorry you're going through it frown
back from deployment # 4..good times good times...i fuckin hate iraq
oh that is a sweet looking car! Lots of luck! smile
I am back home, My good friend and team leader was kiledl in action on May 13th 2009, I escorted his body home...I will miss him and this is the hardest thing i've ever had to do...if you pray pray for his family....thanks...
SOOOOOOO i wasn't able to get my girlfriend to her flight home today....my fault i left my wallet sitting on my kitchen table...it's ok though go tickets for tomorrow...went out to eat...had a good time....send her off in the afternoon tomorrow...and then it's 4 more days or so of sitting up here in VA waiting to go back to work...ehhhh...plus i'm sick which blows ass...but...
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Well i'm back in VA for a few weeks...had a great time up in Indiana for work....University of Indiana is full of a bunch of wussy dudes that don't know how to fight that's for sure...not saying me and the guys were looking for fights...but when they happened....lets just say they were one hitter quitters....it was good shit....but now i'm back in the DC area...hanging...
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so sexy
and happy -day!
Thanks for the request love. Nice pics smile