She's been unrelenting as of late. I know we are better off this way, but still I think of her. I don't really want her back, just to know how she is. I think she became an anchor for me, keeping me tied to the ground. Whatever it is, I am positive that I feel like I do because I was hopelessly attached for 2...
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That basketball love the action! hahah, thank you for the comment on my new set!

Keep telling yourself:

"Things will get better"

Maybe, someday, they will.
Feeling weird:

Long story short: Having to fire your best friend sucks ass. Even if the reasons are completely logical and legit.

Also, I have been up for around 36 hours.
Need to accomplish something this coming month. Something more than the norm.
I applied for an administrative position. Still no word, hmmmm. Yeah, I have heard of the sun spiders, especially the wild tales of the "camel spiders" in the middle east. They actually aren't spiders. They are arachnids but the order is Solifugae not Araneae.
I meet her in Ireland.

Next I know I am in some sort of naval base in a sewer system.
I escape and am now in some sort of lake.

out of lake onto land in middle of war. swim after some exploded jets pilot and fall into waterfall.

bottom is being patrolled by enemy boat, and I am spotted. in the same place as...
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No word on the job, they said they aren't even looking over resumes until the end of this month, which is about now. I want it so bad.
Ahem. Ladies and gentlemen, you're attention, please. A new demo just came out on XBL and PSN called "The Force Unleashed" It is by far one of the most amazing games I have ever played. And it's only a 20 min demo. I have now played it half-a-dozen times and still enjoy it. If you have either of these systems, you should get it. Whether...
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Have you ever felt like you're watching the whole world collapse around you? Not in an emo-finding-any-excuse-to-be-sad way, but in an honest, examining the things going on and wondering how it got so bad kind of way. I've always had this theory that being the best you can be every day is enough to satisfy the world, and I think I am now being called...
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There was this one time when I realized that I had become someone who tore my whole world apart. I wish that time wasn't now.
you sound kinda down; so ill try and be dorky to cheer u up! A blonde who suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment unexpectedly, opens the door, and, sure enough, finds him naked in the arms of a redhead. Well, now she's angry. She opens her purse and takes out the gun. But as she does so, she is overcome with grief and points the gun at her own head.

The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it."

"Shut up," she says. "You're next."
Guns don't kill people; Mario Van Peebles.

Music: cool; I'd like to hear it, some time.

Me: involved in a variety of esoteric projects, as usual. Nothing terribly exciting. Between those and nursing my daughter's broken leg (freak roller-skating accident), I haven't been getting out much, though I was able to break away long enough to catch Wolves in the Throne Room at a show, last weekend.
I hate saying it because of the fact I live in a desert, but I'm going to say it anyways.

It's too god damn hot.

Okay. I've said it. I'm over it.


(me) I need to find a girl like me. Loves video games, Writes music, Doesn't mind doing nothing all day long.
(Friend) Yeah, that would be nice.
(me) only one problem though....
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Hey, my man. Long time, no comment (me). How've you been? How's the music?
Yeah, bugs are hard to photograph. I usually snap as many as I can before it hops, flies or scurries off and hope that maybe one will come out okay.
Got Ghosts I-IV in the mail the other day. Amazing packaging.

Went to watch the kills last night in phoenix. It was pretty damn good. One of my best friends is coming to town next week.

Im moving into a new place soon. Like next week. I cant wait.

That was an update from home. Colombia was awesome, of course. Soon I will have a proper update with photos. I want to get a tattoo in every country I visit.
The Slip is amazing.

If you haven't heard it, go to nin.com, and download it now. Its free. It's amazing.

On another note: moving next month. Paying a bit more for rent, but its right next to work. Now I just need to find a second job again. I miss working too jobs.

Not much else going on. Busy playing GTA 4.
Trent is really busy, putting out Ghost and The Slip in a matter of months. Must be exhausting.

And yes, it is amazing.