Well, it looks like I have to straighten my act up now that I had my first ever gout flareup Sunday evening. It still hurts today but not as badly as it did yesterday. Gotta cut back on the beers (not that I was drinking a lot of them; just one a day) which is fine by me. Word to the wise: don't drink too...
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I have a comic strip on Facebook called "Fang Boi." Check it out :) Just trying to bring a smile to everyone's faces with a daily dose of humor.

do you have a link?

Yep, back for more because I love the ladies here and I can talk about my everyday nonsense. I am playing bass in Jamie Fry and I still have Reverend Morbid kicking. Getting ready for Spring classes at my online school so I can finish with my degree in December. Let's warm up out there, I have shit to do!

welcome back :)

Change takes courage and if you want something to change badly enough, you will find it. Things are going to change for the better this coming new year, I can feel it!


Got a great humidifier for Christmas by my Secret Santa! Also, the Warcraft Monopoly game from my kids brought a smile to my face :)

I meant to say "humidor", haha, what the hell was I really smoking when I typed that?!?

Yep I celebrate both holidays. I can't wait until our Yule celebration this Saturday which starts at 6pm then picks back up at Slim & Chubby's in Strongsville for Mr. Speed, the greatest KISS tribute band in the world! True, they won that contest. All set with Christmas. I hope my Secret Santa gift is everything I think it will be, haha. Cigars and a...
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Did a few shots of the spiced rum with my Dad for his birthday this evening. By the time I am his age, I hope to be retired, smoking cigars, and well sipping more spiced rum! Getting into my relaxed mode before bed. I have that little annoying thing called a job I must attend.


whoa, I have been away for too damn long. enjoy seeing the girls as always but I'd like to meet some new peeps from around the world! In other news, band practice this thursday for my saturday show in akron!

Happy Imbolc! Got a cold so I have to stay in tonight. I can't see my friend's bands play because otherwise they'd get my cooties. Staying in and having a few brews.frown
So instead of heading out in this cold fucking weather to practice, I stayed in and played some Warcraft. Hibernate mode for sure!