theres gottta be some kind of SG radio right? Moreover like a communal sound source.. For example, Im listening to Alton ellis at the moment & Id love for yall to lsten in, much like Id love to listen to whatever else is out there....

Heres a piece my mate Mikie put together.. check it, then check back for updates..

Just last saturday night he...
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Im good thanks smile how are you?

And thanks for the comment on my set smile
There used to be, but it was a talk show thing.
ohhh damn...

forget the milk crate..

this is the bizzz ness..

oh so hot i want one. theres no distributor in Australia, can some from the US/UK/Germany/Austria send me one?

sweet baskets
lol I been here a while tongue
As a disclaimer ill put it out there that some of you in SG land might be fashion loving people.. most of you not.

For 'fashion' is a total fuking shitfight.

take just now. Its 835PM and im in my studio editing my pics, listening to gary numan and having a good ole time.. I know that theres some crew in the main studio that...
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coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee need a coffee.

piccolo hold the sugar here I come. biggrin
Heeey thanks so much kiss
ooohh ffuk yeah its raining!!

i love it. ive just been sitting in my office all day editing photos and its real swell.

happy days, off to find the mystery bus!

The fucking tour company kicked the press out after the first three songs though. Which is a pain as theyre always nasty and rude about it.. that pissed me off but having Alison Mosshart standing a foot over your head thrashing about is pretty fucking ACE.

pics to follow!

So 'The Dead Weather' are playing the Enmore theatre tomorrow and im shooting them.. happy days.. for those who dont know, you are missing out, yes yes you are..! if theyre touring check em out and a venue near you..


Illl post some pics when its all done..


finding it hard to keep on workin, editing my shit, getting up in the morning..

bored and kinda found out my GF and I are prob gonna split.. frown fuckin sad as it not like we dont love each other, though she wants to travel and explore the world and Im looking at maybe moving to NYC to study.. ( i live in Australia so...
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im going to LA baby!!

work has just come through, so im flyin over on the 19th for a week..

So now im puttin it out to the masses for where's good to eat, catch a show and take down some dance floors.. !

Wheres the party at people??

Sunday afternoon in the studio and im finding the fire again...

I finally get some me time and it feels goooooddd..

Some YYYeahs nice & loud is helping the mood along swimmingly!
for fucks sake.

im sitting in my office, the heat has finally subsided and theres a steady chilled wind streaming in through the window.

My head is pounding and my mind reeling from the abuse I put myself through last night.. Sure i had fun, though to what end? I have a fuck load of work to do, though the one thing i cant get...
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